New look for NYS license plate revealed.

why should they “find” revenue? They should have been more frugal with their spending in the first place. Why should the tax payer pay even more in bs fines, and fees to live here because State employees are wasteful asshats. (not directed at you, it’s a general statement).

It needs to stay at the State level for many reasons. Each state is different in terms of demographics, climate, location, industry, so there are different V&T laws to fit this model. So in places some laws don’t make sense. You do not want the federal government to dish out more laws for the stats to follow. We are already getting to this point, we do not need a stronger federal government, we need a weaker one.

As far as NYC, they would have a sign stating no right turn on red for out-of-towners to follow.

As far as street signs, it’s done by each respective municipality. For instance, the town near me uses the brown and yellow signs, whereas mine uses green and white.