New look for NYS license plate revealed.

I think they should make a fucking reg/inspection sticker that actually adheres to the window before they change the plates!!

hahaa, nice , i forgot about that, both stickers in my trans am are held up with tape .

yea same…stupid fail glue

fuck these plates and i hope they get rid of the front plate law

^^^ +1 on no front plates :number1

They will not get rid of front plates.

What I would like is if they could put the registration and inspection info on the plate themselves and not in the window like some states are.

The ONLY semi-legitimate reason to keep the front plate in NY is because of the city and automated parking with plate readers.

However, if bikes and people out of state can legally get around NY without a front plate, it shouldn’t be a law.

ditto that

another reason why they wont get rid of the front plate is since you get 2 plates from dmv, it is more likely to use the other plate on another car without registering it, at least this is what the police say.

sweet my trucks registration is up in december and ill be sure the register the car for next season in late march or april to go without those ridic ugly things…

:rofl yea but they give out two plates because of the law…if they gave one plate the law would be one

plates should be car manufacturer matched. Japan car=japan plate, German car=german plate. US plates suck dick!

That’s my preference. I hate having those stickers in the damn window…

what makes me wonder is why does Florida make the following work out perfectly fine: no front plates, all stickers on the rear plate, tint is ok. Why does NY have to be such a bitch about it?

It is for your own safety, dont you know it?

ya tint is a safty thing.

How would you like to be a cop walking up to a car with limo tint. Not knowing whats inside etc. The law is there for a reason. Not to mention it brings down your visibility at night.

this makes me realize how sweet our NY plates are now

neg rep.

if it was that important it would be federal law. like seatbelts or headlights

You lucky i cant neg rep you. fag :lol

actually seatbelts and headlights are also a state law. i rather it be a state’s choice than a federal law.