new lot for the summer.

“the young and the PRness” like soap opera der der der…lol

" the slow and the premiscuous"???

The employment challenged


i vote for no carnival music either.

Just a thought. Would asking $5 for a $5 gas/stewarts/something card to gain entrance, be out of the question?

Pretty much dealing with the few “Loitering vs Paying customer” issues.

Let the bashing begin.

id be down to throw $5 if I got a $5 card for anywhere that sells gas.

Its a possibility. Seeing as how my friend and I were almost sideswipped buy some damn PRs last night at the lot, I’m down for a better place and this sounds golden. $5 for a $5 card is doable though I guess.

id be down for that,and pm me about that damn accord already!!! :lol

if there’s a 5 dollar fee and we get to chill with no issues have a clean place to park. that is worth it to me. and if there’s a place to work on your ride. damn. if you build it they will come! lol. i think a fee might not be that big a deal for most people.

Won’t be a big deal for people who want to ensure the safety for themselves, others and their property…

i’d pay 5$ for these 5 rules

  1. no “ricers” doing hot laps
  2. no blaring music
  3. no revving engines
  4. no drugs and
  5. no alcoholic beverages…priceless

agree with the above.

+1 a fee will keep the people you don’t want there out.

and that small fee is going to a local biz doin work son! i got my 5 ready.

anyone care to add to the rules???

Hey all this is Darryl, Owner of Albany Speed and New Salem Saab.

I have to ask this and pardonme for the dumbness as we did not have this issue when i was cruizzin the lots…

What is it with ricers (and define a ricer for me) that you all do not like?

What is a PR… Do I dare ask?

And yes this lot is not a free for all and there will be rules to live by with security and muscle to ensure they are followed…


PR is short for Puerto Rican/lower lot Scum

Ricer = shitty slow car doing burnouts and making more noise than it should for the power it has.

PR = 99% drive the aforementioned term. Typically found in the lower lot doing burnouts, mean muggin, smoking blunts, banging off rev limiter in their d series hondas, or a combination of these things.

PR also can be found with their baby’s crip walking on top of the expeditions/SUV listening to circus music at 1am in the morning.