new lot for the summer.


and beer is only good when it’s super hot out if you’re dead ass thirsty and it’s the only thing around.

I can drink some beer, but why would you want to injgest something that raises your body temperature, and dehydrates you? :rofl

Save the beers for after you cool off a bit to sip on IMO.

I don’t see how anyone can drink beer when they are outside in the heat.

Its not usually 95* and sunny when most people take their cars out/go to the lot

Who are the guys hanging out in the Kohl’s parking lot on weekends?

PR’s, high school kids, white trash, in general a bunch of idiots down there.

so where do you guys all go on friday nights?

to the candy shop
where they let you lick the lolly pop

anyone with a serious answer lol its supposed to be nice out tonight was gonna take a drive and meet some new people.

Pull into Redline Motorsports with 15" steelies on your car and let them know that you’re wanting to do a budget build. You’ll make new friends quick!

hahaahha Tell them some guy with a viper suggested you deal with them becasue his good friend with a ZR1 works there.

honestly, I wouldnt go there. It is a mess, and trouble will follow. If you do go, park up on top and talk to people with clean looking cars only… they are the ones on here worth talking to. lol

so the albany speed shop is the new spot? and were exactly is it?

google is your friend

so this place is now up and running?

i have tried to get an answer about this for two days and only get silly responses i dn.

i know where it is i was just looking for someone to say yes this is the place, so i don’t show up there and its a big joke and i drove a 1/2 hour for nothing.

FTW :rofl

as far as I know this hasnt started yet. Everybody that went out seemed to be at McDonald’s on Friday night.

Good Morning all…

No this as not started yet and we’ll be looking to put it together soon. It most likely will not be every Saturday night, or Friday for that matter. I’m thinking a once a month thing perhaps.

The details are important and thats what we are working on.

Don’t worry, once our first date is planned…the word will spread quickly.



For first party go here: