new lot for the summer.

Word off the strip is they’re going to have 5 of them.

5 AWDs or 5 total?

Everyone here should give this place a shot, at least as a hangout spot. If you prefer the lot-tards…well…you probably are one.

I always wanted to open a last minute speed shop. Keep it open late on track nights and the Friday and Saturday Nights and just stock things like spark plugs, injectors, fuel pumps, slicks/drag radials (maybe premounted), nitrous kits/jets/refills, ect. For the idiots that need to race right now.

New Salem Saab will still be around its an “IF” they close
i know a few people that work there including Daryl (who i would say hasnt done a lot to keep them alive) their sales dept is worse and the only thing that kept them alive is their service dept!!!

^ agreed with johawk and slomarro. This could turn out great. Quick fix parts being available late at night like plugs, jets, fuel pumps, air intake fittings/couplers, AN fittings, nitrous etc…will definitley help our scene. It could also last a month and go under, or could turn out to be nothing at all since that building still looks empty to me. Either way, who cares? It will be somewhere for us to start the season off at, with no troubles…As far as kicking out the lot-tards the owner will be able to do so, if he is on site and they act like idiots he can kick them out. If they dont leave police can come and remove them, without removing the rest of us…

Nothing on their lot and the owner cant even get credit to buy cars. It was in the paper today.

Totally agreed. The only thing that I’ve gathered from my few experiences at ‘the lot’ is that it’s a place that was once cool, but just like any other city, gets ruined by ricers and ‘other kinds’ of people. No biggie-you just let go of tradition and move on.

Ill prolly stop by this place a few times and check it out. Hell, we should prep a 60’ track out front! :lol


well Daryl didnt really know how to run the business like his dad (whom i have met long time ago) did
the only good thing about NSS was their service dept since Roberti Saab (where i bought my viggen) merged with them back in 2008

i knew this was goin to happen sooner or later
but SAAB is still alive and well!!

Totally with you. I hope this place works out well, and Ill def be out to support it. I think it would be a great thing, a little friendly tuner compitition only makes the area shops raise the bar. There is still a few months to let this fester a bit more here and then people will start getting the rides out and we will see how it works out.


oh and i guess we will have to see if this “hangout” takes off or not. for me, this season will be pretty uneventful like last season was. so i dont care too much.

This place looks familiar…


ive never been there…

Daryl Carl is a good guy. I totally agree the sales department blows(Had that experiance when i was tryign to buy a 9-5). But as for Daryl he is well known in the local ice race seen as well as at Albany Saratoga. He is also a family friend. He used to own a Polaris Dealership on Rt.85 before he moved on to the Saab thing. I do wish him the best and I will come out and support him in this adventure.

ashley :lol

Well look what happened the last time we were promised “change.”

we got change, just not the kind most americans wanted :lol…the change was theres a democrat in office now. if you expected any more then that to happen, you must not pay attention to american politics :lol

agreed. the “scene” around he has gone down hill the past 3 or so years. Eventually it will prob be back but I think this soon.