New Lotus exhaust (Video with sound clips)


Right, thanks for your input Walter. As always, it’s good to see you shitting yet another worthwile post in one of my threads.


Just because I didn’t :cjerk: doesn’t mean you have to be all hypocritical. I don’t like it, you can’t argue that, and if you didn’t want to hear that you shouldn’t have posted it.

I stand by my comment, that if someone posted something else that sounded that bad everyone would say so. Its cool if you like it, lots of people like things I don’t, like sex with members of the same sex, however I can’t stand 90% of what most people think sounds “sick”.

Good job getting your panties in a wad and being all defensive instead of just breezing past my post.

I think it sounds like poop, if it sounds the same as it used to, just louder, then I stand corrected… it always sounded like poop, and it now sounds like loud poop.

If you can’t stomach that, blame it on my speakers. :bloated: