NEW MEM!! i have a question= how 2bcome auto appraiser??

Hello everybody with a Nissan or just a member…i am new to this Club and would like to say hello…:cool:
UnFortunatley, i own a 2004 Sentra Spec-v… not a 240… but i am very happy with my car… myabe one day i’ll have rear whell drive like most others in this club…

So my question is, (((((how the heck do i become ceftified auto appraiser???)))))
anybody know what college to attend??
private school??
phone #???
web site ???
to become certified as car appraiser in Toronto??

and its not CENTENNIAL COLLEGE,called them… the program does not certify you as appraiser, just auto insurance course.

What kind of appraiser do you want to be?

if you want to be writing collision damage then there is no certifications required. You just need to get into a respected collision repair facility, get the necessary training and start writing sheets. It isn’t hard and it’s a pretty decent job… potential for $60k - $75k long term… take you a few years to get there though ang you have to be in one of the big shops writing $175k a month in good sheets.

There are courses you can take, one if at Vale, i think that is in Alberta or the US… not sure. It’s where most of the top appraisers go.

dude Bing!!!haa…
ur on the ball man… i am looking at just starting out with wrIting collision damages…and i have searched through private schools and collages …and there seems to be no certifications courses…
so ur saying get a job in that field and build for there…is the only way…
if so good to know… want to land a job asap in the field anyways…:slight_smile:

next question… anybody know any collision companys looking for entry level position…??? i am very interested.

P.M. me please…thanks

see bro i told you you’ll get an answer right a way lol

THANKS …:)… and now i need a hook up… haa…but atleast ended my search for a certification… :slight_smile:

tell me where you are located, which store you want to work at.

give me a good resume, i will see that it goes to the right people.

i’ve placed 2 people into CARSTAR in the last 3 months and am getting requests from our network for people…

if only more of you guys were licensed body men. i’d have you all working for $25+ an hour.

how do you get that license anyway bing

a body man is similar to a mechanic, you go through college program then apprenticeship.

i beleive Mohawk has collsion repair at their stoney creek campus.

most of the enrolled students are sponsored by shops or family, so we dont really promote there too much.

the tradiational way of doing this is to get in as the detail guy for $10-$12 an hour… dont be a total fuck up, like most people our age are unfortunately, and tell them straight up that you want to be a licensed body man and you’ll kick ass to do it.

put your time in, dont fuck around, get into light prepping for the painters. pull some overtime, when you’ve proven you are legit they’ll likely get you on tear-downs and re&re jobs like fenders, bumpers and hoods.

once you’re doing that and you want to get into heavier collision work, welding rear quarters and beat out B-pillars etc. then you’ll likely have to go through a college program for it…

if you are even half way decent you will never be unemployed.

if you can handle the overtime you can make $75k+ easy in Ontario and $100k in Alberta. You only get that money in the big shops though.

or get 2-3 guys together and open your own shop once your 30+.

we just had a couple korean guys start their own shop, the Richmond Hill store. They already need more people and may do $1M in their first year.