New nigerian scam...

Dear Bryan Dever!
We have found your resume at { }
Jette-Exchange Inc. is the first fully 128 bit SSL secured PGP encrypted internet based transaction web-site for the purchase of e-gold and other internet currencies within 12 to 24 hours. We have branches in Finland, Denmark, Latvia and France. And We need a “Transfer Manger” now.

Job Description:
The task of the Transfer Manager is collecting payments(bank transfers, checks) from customers in timely manner, transfer them to our office In Finland via Wire Transfers or Western Union, and following-up regarding any issues. Every payment order will be accompanied with detailed instructions. It is a part-time, work at home job. It’s a commission based position. You will get about 8% of each processed payment.

General requirements:

  • Good communications skills

  • Any expirience in customer service sphere is approved. But it’s not necessary.

  • Willingness to work from home, take responsibility set up and achieve goals;

  • Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations;

  • You should be familiar with working on-line and have Internet and e-mail skills;

  • Proficient in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and Media Software experience is a plus

    Salary:  $600-$1200 per week
    This job will allow you to: 
  • to work efficiently from home;

  • to increase available personal time;

  • to get financial independence for less time than it’s usually required;

  • to develop high self-respect and esteem;
    The working hours are flexible. It means that you can perform the work at anytime. Working hours you
    choose yourself. The main requirement is you should spend half an hour every day for the work.
    You just have to check your e-mail daily to see if there is any work for you.

    Current Vacancies:4

Bryan Dever, If you are interested in this position, please reply to:

sounds legit to me

Calling RedDawg, now you can definitely pass on that New Mexico job!


sounds legit to me


oh yea? then you should sign up for it!

so where do they scam you?


so where do they scam you?


they convince you to use some of ur money as “transfer fees”

ppl get all giddy when they find out that theyre gonna receive a large sum and they bite the hook


they convince you to use some of ur money as “transfer fees”


awesome. and people fall for this? awesomeR

yep. alllllll the time.

Yeah you would have figured they would have learned better over say… oh the past 10 years? Definitely not the case though, Einstein knew what he was talking.


And We need a “Transfer Manger” now.


Spell Check not found.

manger is a word…

Indeed, basically from the sounds of the job title you would be managing a box of carved stone or wood construction used to hold food for animals.

baby jesus…


so where do they scam you?


Wire and western union “transfers” require you to pay cash for the amount you want sent, you can’t just hand them a check and say “here’s a check for $5,000, and I want this amount wired somewhere”.

You have to give them cash, which means at some point, you have to cash those “checks” then bring the $ to get wired or W.U. By the time the bank notifies you that you gave them a fake check, your “employers” have your $ and the banks want’s you to pay up.

:lol: from their website under testimonials

Hello paul just wanted to say adding the merchant directory to the web site is an A1 idea there are great bargins to be found there i know this first hand beacuse i have used it please keep up the always perfect job you do.
