New Orleans... ideas

back on topic, someone just told me they released all the prisoners from a prison and they rhen formed gangs… armed themselves and are now roaming around hoarding freshwater


going back to the comment about how if it happen to WNY we would “ban” together, i agree, and what you guys are forgetting, that down there is a different world, just look at all the videos on My point: they care more about them selves then eachother, thats why there is security in that dome.

Would I leave?
Hell ya. fuck my house all my posesions, only thing that matters: life
Id get (along with everyone i could fit in my jeep) as far away as i could to safe land.
if i didnt have a car? walk, hitch whatever it takes.

Giving money?
like jack, I was left with a sour taste in mouth after 9/11
red cross? they were ganking that money too, who to trust??

all in all, what happen down there sucks. no roads to get out no power, its gona take a long time to clean that shit up, and expect prices to go up not just on gas, think about how much insurance is going to go up now. how many claims are being made down there.

Cajun Shrimp went up 900% today…


This friday was “Cajun Shrimp Day” at work…we could just go ahead and bring in cajun shrimp…

there goes casual “fun” friday for me…fucken hurricane.

From what I hear the Shrimp Boat Captain survived… he was also a vet… and he lived off of a box of chocolates.

great, now he’s going to turn up at every important event in american history for the next 40 years. fucker.

new orelans is just spiraling out of control. There are gangs running around with ak-47’s and looting and carjacking people. There have already been a lot of gunfights and they even did a few drive by shootings to police stations. There is a report that some military helicopters even took fire as they were on search and rescue missions. A medical evacuation helicopter was also landing on top of a hospitol to air lift some critically injured people out of the city, but the pilot couldnt land because there were hundreads of people waiting on the heli pad and lots of them had guns

whos up for mardi gras?



let the revolution begin…


Fucking bastards. I hate people.

Why the fuck do people have to act like animals?

maybe they will all just kill each other and there will be no worries(sarcastic)…first off the hurricane sucks and it suck for all the peopl that lost everything…now for the people that say they couldnt get out and that they had no where to go…they dont have anything left at home…i am sure tons of people would have given rides…or walk…run…jog…get out of dodge…form the traffic jams they showed on the news before the hurricane hit it would have been faster to walk or ride a bicycle…to make it short…there is always a way out…it may not just be the easy way the people in the big easy wanted

Cause we are animals. What would dolphins do?

Dolphins would fuck… cause they do that for fun.

We are worse than animals. Unless they need to eat they survive amongst eachother in balance… not with guns. (There are exceptions, but I’m not worried about those)

We should act civilized… we need people with balls to be in charge over there… no more slaps on the hand… start fucking wrecking people over there and I bet it will stop.

He said “over there”… i find that ironic.

New Orleans ideas…

Call it Venice and be done with it.

I am starting a gondola business in New Orleans.
Who’s with me?

here’s an idea, have everybody that’s at the Astrodome now live there for good, and call that NEW New Orleans. The Saints can even play there. (It’s not like anybody was going to their games anyway)



Nick… you know what I meant about over there… over there where all those assholes are shooting all the help.

Someone has to step up, end the insanity, and fucking regulate.

I know what You meant, I find it ironic…


I quit

Stolen from

Well last night I was watching the 6pm news when they announced the 17th street canal pumps failed as well as another break in the levee. My house is right off St. Charles Ave. and up to 6pm yesterday is was the only part of the city that was dry. Since the pumps failed and the new break St. Charles Ave. would be under 9ft of water in the next 12-15hrs. My brother and I felt if we wanted to save anything we had to leave NOW. We loaded up flashlights, rope, our medical ID’s, both our .45 Glocks, 2 shotguns and rode out. En-route we listened to the radio which broad casted all the news about the looters and what not, in hindsight it was a mistake. My mother didn’t want us to go by dad who is a Vietnam vet told to be safe and “shoot to kill” if it ever comes to that.

One the way we had to pass 5-6 checkpoints to allow entry into the city. We stated we were medical personnel who were activated, showed our ID and off we went. On the radio reports were coming in about the officer who was shot in the head, the 2 gunman who opened fired on the NOPD station, and how looters were carjacking cars to get out of the city. This started making my brother nervous and giving seconds thoughts.

Anyway we get to the city and it looks like a freaking war zone. The best visual I can give is the movie “Blackhawk Down” when all the Somalians are rushing the city. They are people EVERYWHERE, they are pissed off, and all have weapons, 2X4’s, Axes, and guns. If this wasn’t bad enough we are 2 white boys in a truck in a sea several hundred armed pissed off blacks. There wasn’t a white person to be found. I couldn’t get over the little 8-10yr old kids with weapons, I ever saw one carry a claw hammer!

These people were absolutely nuts. They rammed trucks (stolen I’m sure) into jewelry stores, stealing items; they were tearing apart Wal-Mart carrying out TV’s, Playstations, DVD players, etc. One lady was wheeling out an entire rack of merchandise, not sure what it was but sure wasn’t clothes for food. They were all laughing and carrying on like it’s freaking Christmas.

We got stuck in traffic when we see the group of guys walking down the street w/ AK-47’s, at that point the “pucker factor” kicked in, a couple Glocks and shotguns were no match for that. We haul azz trying to get to Uptown when we see these people chopping down the front door w/ an axe of this $4-5 million dollar mansion on ST. Charles Ave. I was just in total awe because it was so surreal. Making matters worse it’s 11pm at night there is no electricity and you really can see anything or anyone until they are right up on you.

Our plan was to be in and out in 30min, this included putting his Harley on the trailer. It would have taken me 5-10min tops to get my stuff, all I wanted was my pictures from college, my clothes/shoes, and my computer tower. Well he got scared saying we are going to get jumped while putting the bike on the trailer. Keep in mind this is the only area in the city that is dry. So just like rats who move to higher ground these people were doing the same. Word must have gotten out that Uptown was dry so there started to be a large influx of people.

Needless to say he wanted to go home rather than take our chances. While it was the smart thing to do I was beyond infuriated w/ him because we made it this far. He just kept saying our lives aren’t worth it. So we turned around, our next challenge was getting out of the city while not getting jacked. Reports came out that people were jumping in the back of truck holding the drivers at gunpoint. Traffic started to slow so I just nailed it got out as fast as I could.

Even though he was the voice of reason I’m still pissed. All I have is my life and the clothes on my back. I lost my house(which is now 9ft underwater) ALL my clothes, TV, computer, furniture, and photo albums and videos from childhood and college. What makes this worse is my brother owned the house and I was a tenant and I didn’t have renters insurance, hindsight is 20/20.

I also hope everyone of the F*(king looters get Tetanus, E-Coli and F*(KING drown. I’m serious I really hope the all die for what they were doing to the city, killing people, and destroying homes. Never in my life have I ever seen people act live savages, it was truly sickening.