New Orleans... ideas

^ wow

i couldnt agree more

Not to offend anyone… but honestly, the footage doesn’t lie…

Where the hell is the Rev Jesse Jackson? And that other dude that I hate?

Why aren’t they getting “their” people under control? By their people I don’t mean black people in general, I obviously do not have a problem with black poeople, I have a problem with scumbags of all races. These are the people suporting crooks like the Rev… where the hell is he? Afraid of getting shot by his supporters?

I don’t get it. I’m sure there are white people looting… but unfortunately we don’t have anyone who supports white people only, other than the KKK, but we hate them.

Looking at all the footage, and pictures there is a common theme in all of them. 1st hand accounts, stories from people who were there… they all say the same thing. Where is one of their powerful leaders? People who make the Black Appreciation Day possible? WTF??? Someone has to straighten that shit out, it is clearly out of hand.


Why is it when a pretty white girl gets kidnapped/missing the world comes to a hault? There has to be some pretty white girl trapped that can capture the heart of the nation and spur leaders in to action.

lets go down there with a bunch of ammo and guns and start making our own “law” after work gets around that there is a group of 50 NY’ers running aroung the city with guns shooting anyone that is doing something stupid…they’ll stop…eventually

really though, shitty what is happening there…someone need sthe step in

Due to the no drama polocy, im not gona say anything lame, but dont say anything about my mother like that again. i know it wasnt personal but i dont appreciate it. Maby my comment was assholeish but its true…it is a horable thing that happened, but seriously why would you build a city under sea level next to the ocean? bah, damn french.

i bet the french canadians (frogs) had something to do with it too.

stinky smoke and coffee people, i cant stand that… they are worse than hippies.


Sad but true.

No, sad that it is true.