New Paint...Pics

Here ya go Ty, grow some balls and paint your car blue…
Its teh hottness…Finally i got pics, keep in mind it was raining out a bit and it still hasn’t been waxed… and yeah, i did paint it myself at the niagara rent-a-booth

for all who are interested… if you copy my color ill take it as a compliment…

The paint i used was bought at Part Source… its sherwin williams W567 - Midnight Metalic Blue

They are 79.99 a gallon, i did 4 coats and used about 2/3 of the can…
and i “somehow” ended up with a 2nd gallon, brand new, if anyone wants to buy it… $60

awsome, looks great, but a little on the dusty/ dirty side maybe ? but awsome job on the paint !

wtf thats almost like mine, just a bit lighter.

good choice, i feel less original now but oh well lol.

whats that colour?

So you did paint it, show pics man

I have pics from niagra of his car…

So post them.

Post em’ all 8)

Phil, Lovin the 3 spokes :wink:

Thanks, just need to clean them up a bit.

that color looks good man, especially since u did it yourself too.
where is this rent a booth place in niagara?? whats the damage to the wallet?

nice job! :smiley:



Looking good. How long did it take, how much did the whole job cost in total, and how much experience do you need? I don’t know too much about DIY paint, so if you can give me some details that’d be cool because I may or may not want to repaint (but I’d prefer not to pay a trillion dollars for a shop to do it).