so did all my welds fail miserably and leak. : :crackup
how’s the progress??? :ponder
so did all my welds fail miserably and leak. : :crackup
how’s the progress??? :ponder
The welds i had to touch up with alittle rtv and got it to stack alittle to look like that cool thing good welders get that looks like a stack of dimes :crackup
But really for all you that need a guy to weld Hanks the man to see, valve cover came out really nice. As for the progress :ponder everything is going good. head is back on the car with the new cam in it. in the process in polishing the valve cover then i will post some pictures of it.
I want to see this thing walk a SRT-4 in the worst way :mwahaha
well theres a few things i wound up changing due to driveability issues and what not so this weekend im gonna put some more miles on it and see if it changes and then try once again to pass inspection and if that dont work then dmv can shove it. :angry2
but im hoping with the few changes it doesnt hurt me too much in power or more so the power range cause i really really liked that crane 005 power curve
heres the specs on the two cams the first one is what i took out of the car
crane 005
Intake 244 Adv./232@.050 Lift .400
Exhaust 256 Adv./230@.050 Lift .400
Timing @ .006
Intake Opens 28.0 BTDC Closes 72.0 ABDC
Exhaust Opens 77.5 BBDC Closes 27.5 ATDC
comp cam 400
intake 259’ advance .384 lift
exhaust 266’ advance .336 lift
i think im going to miss the 8100 rpms but i think with the 10.5 to 1 je pistons and the comp cam my bottom and mid rang will be funn with a 75 shot :runaway
Just got back from synapse. Thanks to morgan ,and his tuning abilities :bowdown the car is running alot better. :runaway Once i get my few nitrous parts im waiting for i will head back for a tune on spray and the numbers will be revealed. :banana
sweet jay … cant wait to se it out again
Bring that bitch out man, once im outta my cast well have to line up. Should be a really good race. Havent seen your dumb ass in a long time lol.
you want me to race the panda stang :wow ill just give you the win cause i dont stand a chance im not a ricer. i better tell harry im gonna need two bottles and i need them by tonight and i should prob have hank put some extra welds on the intake so they dont blow. :crackup. yea its def been awhile since i seen you too man i was in the schenectady area the other day, was gonna stop by and see how your gimp ass was doin but didnt have enough time.
Panda Stang…lol you asshole ;D. i was talking about the Masssch 1, that would be a pretty good race, youd prob get me but it would be fairly close.
nah u might get me im not running as much spray as i was last year and the motor is alittle less eratic as it was so i dunno what its gonna turn this year. i was debating over neon parts or modding the blaster. blaster took the win :banana
hahaha nice man. Well hafta go ridin soon as im not cripple status. I found a few parts i wanna put on my Z400 :mwahaha
yeah its a never ending add on thing. ive almost ran out of stuff to put on the blaster i think there isnt anything stock left on it other then the front shocks and key switch lol.
Really? damn…i never knew how much shit there is out there available for quads and whatnot. Not to mention its just as expensive as fuckin cars!!! I was lookin at the HMF header and exhaust with the powerdercoated muffler to match my frame and it was like $600!!!
never realized how much stuff there was out there for quads??? :idiots
i know u have cripple status but do u live under a rock too???
ask ewok y my car aint done yet, DAMNED quads!!! :headbang :idiots
well i knew there was shit out there for them, but this is my first one so i never really researched them. omg theres a ton of shit
umm YEAH!! tell me about it well over 12 G’S later my car is still not done and i have a beautiful dust collector in the shop now. :angry2 :idiots
lol damn, what kind you have?
a giant red and yelllow dust collecting one. :sad
nah 88 trx250r well sorta of 250.
nice, should go good
i had one of those fast as hell