NEW PICS ewoks 98 neon build

would it beat a 08 Z400??

it should unless u got a turbo on it ;D

lol, i wanna put a busa motor in it once this one pops, i found the kit :wow

i wanna do a turbo 929 . i got an extra frame :banana

that would be sick!!! But talk about needing and extended swing arm lol

naaah just a wheelie bar :lol

that would work too lol

well car is just about finished just waiting on a few juice parts so i figured id take a few pictures of it while it was still nice out today :banana

Wtf when u do the cage, looks good man. You and your gauges ;D, but seriously looks great dude

So sweet, i love this thing!

this this is sweetttt

finally got some of my fuel system parts in.
waldbro 255
spool boy mod
-6 pushlock line for return
vortech rrfpr
aeromotive fpr
5/16 aluminium fuel line for pressure side

hes a pic of the spool boy mod finished it the other day.

I will get get some more pictures of of the intercooler all mounted up and some other small stuff when i get a chance.

yeah fucker??? who did the cage!!! :wtf

car looks good. i’m gonna go all NA. gonna go indy intake mani and 60mm throttle body. running a 10.8 compression