I bought a ebay shortram intake because it was stupid cheap.so i figured id take a few more pictures of the car while its still clean.


Doesn’t that pull in hot air from the engine bay?
i was thinking the same thing…
but the car looks good tho
2 b honest when i stick my hand by the cone its actually cooler then 1 a foot closer to the engine.also where the intake used to go is still open in the fender so i would think its still pulling some air from there.i mean i guess ill find out when the track opens up.but i figured it would be a lil better since the air doesnt have such a restricted path to pass through. theres 2 much sound dampining in the intake plus the factory intake has 2 90 degree bends in it.but if it doesnt do a thing its not a big deal because it cost as much as a air filter.lol.i just like the fact that i can hear the supercharger so much better.
thanks i buffed it and waxed it a month ago and it still doesnt look 2 bad.
Well considering that is going to be pulling hot air in from the engine bay your purchase was worthless, sorry man but i had to tell you. If i knew you needed or wanted one i still have my fenderwell with 9 inch cone and PCM holder form my GTP. And b4 you go and buy anythign else do PM me first so i can point you in the right direction. Best ait induction for the 3.8 SC is a fenderwell with biggest cone you can get as wel las relocated temp sensor, it hasd been tested and i did as well, with my Thrasher CAI kit($300) the intake temp in the summer was about 120-140 but with my FW and relocated temp sensor it hardly ever went past 100
Thats outrageous for a CAI you could have went to Jeff and he could have made you the same thing.
it was 13 dollars. because i have a 97 id have to buy a different collant bottle which is 40 plus everything else u said.I would deffinetly assume that the trasher intake would be head and shoulders better then what i got now.but i dont have 200-400 or wat ever it would cost to get that intake and everything else.If i had the money id more then likely put it in my formula instead.this car has 115k and is starting to slowly fall apart, so i wasnt really trying to spend that much money on it.im still chaseing oil leaks down.thanks for the input though
i payed 75 used for it, i was saying they are 300 new, you think i am that stupid?:nuts: Plus i bought the car b4 PS was even around or jeff was known
13 bucks is going to HURT your perfomance man, i am telling you with all that extra hot air your sucking through the blower it is nOT good, take it off and run a papaer filter again, it is better than that. As far as the coolant bottle goes… the FW wouldn’t even come close to hitting the bottle. Oil leak prob coming form you front cover. And for around 100-200 bucks your DD GTP could be running better times than your LT1:doh:
just had both valve covers replaced…in the spring probably gonna head to the intake gasket next.do you still have the trasher intake and pcm tray?
Car looks good.
I love white GTPs lowered with the Eagle 077 chrome wheels.
ya they do look good that way…i just dont have the cash.plus its hard to find the eagle 077’s since they dont make them ne more.
It is not a thrasher, it is a fenderwell made my HBDYNAMICS from the board awhile ago and my buddy made the PCM holder. Intake gaskets are the easy 20 min fix but nobody ever wants to fix the real oil leak probs on the L67,LMAO
would u sell your fenderwall intake and pcm holder?and were is the real oil leak prob?
PM your number and i will get ahold of you tomorrow, adn as far as the oil, well L67’s have a great tendancie to leak from the front oil cover
I had a leak in the rear cover so might want to check there too.
feel like selling or trading the gtp???
nice car man!!! here are some pics of my white GTP!!! n some of my GN
i went with zzp unit same thing as thrasher!!! love the whine of the blower!!
Dude it is sold, where the hell have you been?