New PITTspeed Postcards

Starboy and I created up some new post cards to pass out at shows and events. We wanted to really promote the value in joining up to What do you think?

Front of the Card:

Back of the Card:

looks good, when are you getting them printed out?

looks real good

they are on order right now. It usually takes about 5-10 days to receive them. They should look real nice with a nice high gloss on it

very sweet…this would be good for when we all go out to PRP we could walk around handing them out and such

Definitely! If anyone is interested in helping distribute the cards let me know!

those look really good. nice job

im deff up for it…i also go around to alot of small get togethers around here and i would for sure hand out a bunch of these

i wouldn’t mind having a few to put on some nice cars when i see them out


nice job on those.

Cool they look good, id help hand them out.

Ill take some to keep at work

Looks awesome!! … Im down for handing out as many as I can

I can pass some around.


overnight prints FTW

cards will be here tomorrow

Cards are here and they look great! If you are interested in helping pass out cards send me a PM with your address and I will send them out today!

