new plate...dont like it, well that sucks

Beverly Hills Cop III
Random Jackie Chan movies

Never David H. :rofl

That car was the cats ass!

see it wasnt pimp enough for the hoff :lol

Hoff wearing leather nut tight pants with hamburger hanging out of his chest. :lol

so what he was the shit

i want a new plate…



liscense plates are for pussies

Shush boy.

so is the body roll in that sig pic ya get there

:lol FTW

westchester, and points south/LI street racing scene is SOLID

Emphasis on LI. While I joke on Hondas, they are no joke down here. There is just soo many quality cars here. Unfortunately, the Capital District doesn’t have many and they have a bad rep. The same with imports in general.

i dont hate on em i know there out there i just clown on the ones that roll out of arod,s shop and burn oil and run like shit ,but the few that are right code blue swifts and globes are real nice examples of what can be done :nod

i think it would be sick if we got a crew togeather from the 518 and rolled to a local “spot” down south, i’d be in for sure and im sure i could get 3 or 4 other fast cars in.

Its been talked about alot, and some of us over on AUG do it. We hit up Nj, and vermont spots here and there. Also, LG is a GREAT time to set shit up, as there are a TON of fast cars there from all over. That black TT Terminator woulda been a good run for ya!

that would work but tony ,most dont do rolls races :nana :hug

:nod word :rofl

and for me