New project EF hatch

heres a few updated pics of the wiring which we started yesterday, as well as the putting in the 450’s

Obviously more to come, enjoy

hey let me kno if you need help i live in tonawanda as well and am doing the same things. lookin good would love to check it out.

Heres a quick update on the progess made last night, the motor and trans went in for the last time, and we ended up using the B16 harrness, today we’ll try to finish up the wiring.

also got the dash out to clean up some stuff


hey let me kno if you need help i live in tonawanda as well and am doing the same things. lookin good would love to check it out.


awesome thanks! where do you live in tonawanda? i live by lincoln park. we’ll be working on it this weekend on saturday so if you wanna swing by PM me



Heres a quick update on the progess made last night, the motor and trans went in for the last time, and we ended up using the B16 harrness, today we’ll try to finish up the wiring.


yeah, decided to use the B16 harness just for simplicity. i need it going asap so later on down the road ill make my own harness and convert it to obd-1

heres a list of what i need to get. will update it later.

-turbo timer (hopfully getting on wednesday)
-Wastegate (pretty sure a 38mm w/ 8lb spring)
-half-size radiator
-alternator if it never comes in the mail
-front pads and rotors
-possibly a wideband
-chipped obd0 ECU


heres a list of what i need to get. will update it later.

-Wastegate (pretty sure a 38mm w/ 8lb spring)
-half-size radiator



i got all this for you give me a call we can work out a deal

awesome thanks! where do you live in tonawanda? i live by lincoln park. we’ll be working on it this weekend on saturday so if you wanna swing by PM me


i live by the golf dome give me a call

-brent (716)807-7530


putting in the 450’s


Did you get them in? What did you have to do, any trouble at all?
Did you use the harder plastice spacer also?

yeah we used the dremel tool to bore them out, the rubber and the plastic, they fit great and it was pretty eaisy

oh yeah and that pic shows the plastic ring stock, so you get a good idea how much it needed to be bord out.


oh yeah and that pic shows the plastic ring stock, so you get a good idea how much it needed to be bord out.


How did you hold it?


How did you hold it?


we just held it in our hand and went around the inside with a dremel. we also went around the outside a bit to make sure it was a snug fit.

lookin good man, hopefully its up and running soon. Can’t wait to see it.


lookin good man, hopefully its up and running soon. Can’t wait to see it.


thanks man, yeah its getting there. 2 weeks max it should be going


we just held it in our hand and went around the inside with a dremel. we also went around the outside a bit to make sure it was a snug fit.


Im not having any luck with this…

haha, try putting the plastic fitting on a vice…maybe thatll work.

why is this so easy for every one but me? I suck at dremeling stuff…


why is this so easy for every one but me? I suck at dremeling stuff…


haha dont worry its easy. either hold it in your hand or put it in a vice. go around nice and slow but make sure the dremel is on high enough to take off material. youll know if its taking it off youll have shit all over your hand if you hold it.

okay heres an update…i installed the dash and the gauges…heres a pic!


why is this so easy for every one but me? I suck at dremeling stuff…


Fingers like Shrek ?


Fingers like Shrek ?


No thats not it. Just want a good seal!