New ride (FAIL! More Info On Page 3.)

I was trying to go cheaper, and had a 2k down payment. It didn’t work, I got torn a new asshole. I thought that made up my debt.

Yes I know debt=neg. equity.

Thanks fry.

well you at least get a :tup: from me for not going into auto tech. when I worked at northtown everyone there always complained about how bad they got treated how much they hated the hours and their job ect

could have just been northtown but i doubt its too much different anywhere else

and just a little on topic aside about myself. im only a year older than you and I went the other way as far as cars. I mod when money allows and dont get into any debt to do it. I have a crappy civic dd but it always gets me where I need to go.

I know its hard to resist buying something nice I go thru the idea of getting a new car all the time.

The thing that keeps me from it though is realizing how much I can save by not throwing too much into my cars right now. Im two years from graduating and when it happens I wont owe anyone a dime and ill have somewhere around 10-20k for the start of a dp on my first house.

its also nice to not have any car payments or comp insurance to worry about. I can support myself working 2-3 days/week during the school year which in turn has got me a 3.81 gpa over the past two years. just food for thought

West herr toyota sucked equally as bad. I want to be successful in life. Automotive industry isn’t really that field, with the exception of a select few people.

I’ll do what I have to do to have an enjoyable future where I can have nice things. I just try to do too much now, seeing as most of my friends are 5-8 years older than me I try to do some of the same things they do without realizing how much farther ahead in life they are.

wait when were you going to ecc for auto?

The past few semesters?

tech center with gary and who ever else is over there. or ecc with rich/gene/jimmy?

Gary, mark(srt4 swap god) that tall douchebag that I hope dies(nick) umm Dan halliman ect ect.



^^ hewiit go tap this with your GAYTI

who go tap what?

Dont worry even your lucky charms say your gay, lol

thread coming soon

Great sucess

steve stop drunk posting.

thumbs up to you for going back to school. smart choice! good luck with it. Also, its your $ and your car, do what you want with it.

This is by far the best thing I have heard all week. :fuzzyfish:

Thanks :slight_smile: