New ride (FAIL! More Info On Page 3.)

39/40 people don’t fully know/understand the situation, but I know where you’re coming from. I’m keeping the gaygti for now. as soon as i can get rid of it and be payment free I am going to do so.



best part of this thread is newman talking about “reflective cocks”

Take your own advice


looks to me that you’re an irresponsible 18 year old that would rather have a car he thinks is “cool” or gonna score him some chicks or whatnot, than drive something within his means.

the 1 or 2 corny overly-trendy, mis-informed girls you are hoping to, but only may come across that will be like OMGSH an AUDI UR COOLZ may be enough for you, but banks don’t put “do you only wan’t this car because you think it will raise your social status somehow?” on the loan application for a reason homie. People like you get repo’d after a few months because they can’t afford being so cool anymore.

and PS I got approved for a 13k loan with NO down payment @ about 3.5% when I was 18 so :gotme: I guess the bank does approve for people that can actually afford it

^ I think with steve its more of driving Exactly what he wants, more that being cool, it still is no justification for spending this kinda money on cars at this age, I dont have a new car, and that becasue I cant afford what I want and neither would I try, I play withy steves toys…lol thanks pal, be happy with the GTI its a super nice car for your age.

wrong!!! I’ve had my B6 for over 6 months now and have owned Audi’s a hell of allot longer then anyone on that list…:gay2:


WTF do you care anyway, its not your finances

at the end of the day no one really does care. people can offer the advice and its up to whoever what they want to do with it

take it to dr. phil…im sure he can offer some life lessons :cjerk: lol

All i know is that if you don’t learn and understand finances, your future will be :angryhump: the way you re going with your money. Please, instead of wasting any more money on cars, please go get an education or at least take a few financial/accounting classes.

I’m going to school for business…

and ineedalife, everyone who told me you suck is obviously right. The girl that likes me could give a fuck what I drive. If I wanted to drive a car to be cool why would I be driving a VW OR an audi?
I had a car for 8 months before I totaled it and I could also afford to mod it as well. That was MORE than 350 a month and I had no problems handling it. I like working for what I own and if thats all I got then I can be grateful and enjoy it.

I know everyone is telling me what to do and such for my own good. I realize that. I want a car that I like, is classy, and will have less police attention. No matter how you look at it my current car will always be a target to a police officer. I’ve been driving so retardedly conservative to get as many MPG’s as possible so asshat driving isn’t the problem, it’s just the image the car gives. Sure I love the car, but when I went back to the dealer I was hoping to find an audi, which I did not. I settled for my car and, as with any kid I got stupidly bored with the DSG rather quickly. I’m just going to suck up, make the best of it for now and focus on school and all the other IMPORTANT parts of my life.

I’m a fucking kid, I’m 18. What 18 year old isn’t scatter-brained? honestly. We all want so much that we can’t have, I’m just openly over indecisive at times and yes it sucks and it gets me a verbal e-beating but whatever, this is the fucking internet, and a gay website that doesn’t matter worth a shit in real life.

'nuff said. Close this fucking thread.

over 350 a month for the gti?? Geez, I steered away from the 08 sti at 350/month.

Srsly? They’re that cheap? LOL.
I <3 GTi’s, I don’t know why. They’re just so comfy and such for how much you pay.

EDIT: my old car wasn’t 350 a month, it was 250, plus all the money I dumped into it…
Usually equaling over 350 a month.

its all in the down payment brother. 250 a month isn’t bad though.

This will be my last new-er car for some time. I hate making payments now, lol.

wait, i thought you were going to mcc for auto tech?

Dropped out, went to ecc for auto, dropped that and now going for 1 semester of all the general bs classes I’m required to take, then going into business and HOPEFULLY transferring to UB after 2 years at ecc.

Dude you seem like a real nice kid so I’m not going to get all high and mighty on you, but you really need to reconsider the financial decisions you’re making.

Oh, and you weren’t rolling over “equity” you were rolling over “debt.”

Good luck!