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Guys i bought a lambo last week…

But it turns out I don’t have any money…so I can’t get it.

:lol: :fuzzyfish:

Damn that sucks.

Next time wait till it’s in your driveway. :violin2:

love the skin you’re in…

dude, just enjoy your really nice car that you just bought. It is possible to have a really nice car, pay what its worth and function in society without irresponsibly throwing money at it. just do it, the cars hot.


To all the people who are douchebags who did the exact same thing at my age, die in a fire. no srsly. every last one of you was like this, if not worse.

^^ what midgex said. and another thing. modding a dd when you dont need it is a waste.
especcially if you plan to get rid of it soon

So why justify that you are doing the right thing because of your age. Take it from the guys that DID THIS AT YOUR AGE, and follow the path that they tell you to.

It will save you money, trouble, and lots of sleep

I didn’t

At no point in time(till now) have I ever owned a car that was less than 6 years old. My first was 9 years old, second was 13, third was 12, 4th was 6, 5th was 12. Now finally, in all of my glory, my new car is 4 years old and I still have the Xterra, which is now 8 years old.

Quit justifying your shit by saying that everyone else did the same thing. Most of us bought and sold beater cars or modded early 90s sport compacts until financially stable. Get with the program man. Stop living beyond your means and obsessing over cars. Enjoy what you have and consider yourself lucky for being able to make the payments every month.

“every last one of us” buys what we can afford / our credit allows us to get approved for, thats why YOURS is the only one that ended up with the “yea the dealership knows I can’t afford it so they won’t finance me under reasonable terms” ending.

You shouldn’t be so upset to be turned down for a 24% loan anyways.

are you srsly trying to justify this (why do you feel the need to do that anyways?) to everyone here with that methodology?

I NEVER did some stupid shit like that. I’m 27 and have had >20 cars in the last 12 years… 4 of them cost more the $5k. Oddly enough, only the most recent 4.

As long as your slinging parts at autozoo - Cash, Outright, FTW.

You’re such a fem, stop having feelings and drive the pig.

I tried to, he doesn’t like to listen much i guess :shrug:

hes young, and didnt really grown up yet :stuck_out_tongue:


You suck? This car was CHEAPER than the old one.

ANYWAYS, Why are people still posting in this? Get your e-panties out of the bunch they’re in and grow up.

agreed!! i dont buy anything unless i have the cash in hand for it, dont want to get into the loan world (well… except for my one school loan)

I know I fucked up with the loans. Oh well. Gotta deal with it now.

you dont want 2 cars at all. i have 2 and it was the worst mistake in my life buying the 2nd one. it was a spur of the moment thing and i had no idea what i was getting myself into. i had to put about 1200 of maintenence into my gp and about 1100 into my trans am which has left me completley unflexable with getting cars that i ACTUALLY want when they become available and i wont even be making a profit. and if i sell the gp i have to buy the winter car because the ta wont drive in the snow. if i were you i would just keep the car, pay off the loan and at the end of the day you know its yours. which is a great feeling having no bills to pay and actually owning something.

if you dont feel like reading that> just keep the car, pay it off and its yours

I dont think everyone on NYspeed is in some kind of conspiricy against you.

if 39/40 people say its a bad move I would start questioning my actions