New ride (FAIL! More Info On Page 3.)

Yet you’re searching for FMIC’s for your birthday present?

But you seriously don’t want a fast car? If it’s for the look, I think you can buy interfoolers for much less.

I’m not being mean, just honestly, nothing you say is consistent and makes any sense.

I seriously hope the rest of your life isn’t as scattered and fucked as your car life is.

eh. scattered and fucked is way more fun than boring and predictable!

You Cky, are an epic fail.

yeah seriously, and apparently your parents are assholes for letting you do this to yourself too.

i hate this thread

:love: you


I fell for it and its my own god damn link :frowning:

^ lol OMG

lock it!!

this thread would be a lot better if i could see a cock reflected in the new car photos.

rofl newman

something you would like to tell us

you would be a lot better if i could see a cock reflected in your sig.


i really don’t know what to say anymore…

happy hun


was best i could do to fit in the space :gotme:… im out

Since you arent going to drive it, give it to me. I’ll give you $50 a month towards your payments and put my own insurance on it (wont wreck it) and you wont have to be reminded of your old car. I’ll then have another toy and you’ll be $50 + insurance costs a month richer. Then you can get your retarded beater civic (SIQQQ RHD), win win.