New stablemate for the c5!

I decided to get my c5 a buddy instead of headers or wheels…

I’ve been driving the vette everyday into work and was starting to feel bad (40k miles and its a 2000) so I bought a neon to drive everyday. The thing I thought was funny was the neon cost me less then the lg long tube pro headers I want and it runs great! I just hope they get along…


I bet if the Vette growls too loud that Neon’ll get flung into your house.


the odd couple…

get the 2.4 out of a stratus or a pt cruiser and you’ll have a bit of fun with the neon


i would have atleast thought it would be a srt4 or something still fun to drive

For people who know oakland, I was driving the vette down jon clair street everyday becaue it saves me 15 minutes (30 minutes round trip) and it was beating the crap out of the vette. I didn’t want anythng to nice or fun because it will be a throw away car (drive it for a year or 2 and give it away) and pittsburgh really beats the crap out of a car.

I would have rather had the headers & wheels and a $500 beater, but that’s me.

i woulda bought the header…

How can you seriously be serious about that?

shoulda bought an escort…

Less miles on Vette = Higher resale when the time comes. And he’s right, Pittsburgh (especially Oakland) is Hell on cars, espicially wheels and suspension.

Worth it in the long run to whip a Neon than put headers in the Vette and then have to replace wheels from all the fucking potholes. Good thinking here.

Only “real” beater is branded with the name HONDA on it.

That’s why I like 'em

i love mine :stupid:

nope. mine says GTP

Cheap neons are fun to drive even without the turbo mill.