new to NYSPD, 96 T-Bird

she blew that shit WAY out of proportion and told everyone like 1 week before it was supposed to go on. lmao, any other goodies that gossiping girl told you about me?

You’re sweet. You get her into cars. I have 2 of your mags that she gave me out of your car hehe. Uhh I think that’s it. And Josh likes you. Oh and you got your T-Bird for real cheap/ alot less than you should have payed for it.

yay, i’m glad the first thing that came to your mind was that i’m sweet; lol i wonder if you or jel said that. my car was a steal. bought it in 2005 with 15,531 on the clock, paid 3500 for it. now it’s got a shade under 60k.

and can i have my copies of Golden Shower Monthly back?

Nice, you’ve got at least 20k left in that head gasket. :stuck_out_tongue: Hopefully…

Just don’t do what my old roommate did. His 92 Cougar 3.8 started billowing white smoke so he tried driving it from UB north back home to Rochester to deal with it there. He barely made it off campus. He then paid a tow truck $350 to tow it to “his” mechanic, just to have his mechanic tell him it ain’t worth fixing as the rest of the car was rotting.

I think he was over 100k though.

lol yeah, those 3.8’s are notorious for blowing HG’s, although the later models (96-97), I’m pretty sure, had been re-designed to address the issue. Not 100% positive though

from what i’ve read, 89-95 was the worst, with the problem being greatly improved for 96-97, but not completely fixed. the car’s going to be sold in the spring, so if you’re looking for a fun, comfortable beater with low miles, talk to me in a few months lol.

Lol I dunno, most of tha pages are stuck together so I’m not sure if you want them back.

funny you should say that, because that’s how most of my copies of super street are anyways. thank god i stopped subscribing to them, or else i would have grown hair on my palms and gone blind:rolljerk:

i’ve read so many horror stories that sometimes i have to check my mirrors to make sure im not trailing a white cloud. the car still pulls strongly for what it is, and i’m lucky to have so little miles on it.


Yes, I’m breaking out the “picard” again.

I also own a Ford that “sucks the big one” in our enlightened protagonist’s verbage…

Hi :wave:


thanks for the support my friend, some people just don’t get the code of respect that exists between true car guys. post some pics of your white fastback!

I have a Ford too. It’s not a car but it does have some AWD V8 goodness to it!

i get the feeling that those AWD V8 Exploders are the ones you always see parked on someone’s lawn deep in the city, with bullet holes in them, and on the 7AM news talking about who got shot last night…

LOL just messing with you man, i’d line up against you. any outcome predictions?

Yeah, you’d smoke me. V6 in a car vs. a V8 in an explorer. Although from a 50-80 pull I smoked SexyCivic04! Hehe. I’ll run you though just for shits and giggles.

i’m down. i beat my retarded sister in 50-80 as well, so we’ll see. her I/E did nothing LOL…$600 down the drain

but seriously, i think you might have a pretty decent chance. 3.8’s of my vintage were some of the lowest output V6s that were produced in the 90s.

lol i just talked to my sister about how she ran you…she is so bitter about it haha. :violin:

Her: it’s a completely different class, that’s why i lost…it was domestic VS import, 4 cylinder VS V8, truck versus car…


still never found out who this was…

Haha it was on teh QEW and she just couldn’t keep up. It was great but I guess it’s a completely different class. Shouldn’t a civic with an intake and exhaust beat a stock SUV with 20’s? I dunno it was funny though. But I’ll definately run you just tell me when and where, I like my odds based on what you’re saying.

great runs bro!

Most definately. You goin’ to Mighty Tonight?