Looks like their call-grisanti-campaign helped. Gay marriage bill just voted a pass.
:tup: To it passing.
groomzillas dooin’ heaterz
For the record, I’m all for it. I have friends and family in the LGBT community. Also, it was about time. It’s 20 fucking 11 and people still think that a 2000 year old… oh nevermind.
Finally, good to hear. No reason why gay people can’t be happy like the rest of us married bastards.
Good. No reason for such ignorance and intolerance.
I couldn’t care less about someone being gay or not, but I’m a big fan of individual liberty so this is fantastic. One less thing the government passes judgement on.
Now if we could just do away with marriage licenses altogether we’d actually have it correct. But at least this is closer.
Did Fry post something during non-work hours? haha
lol can’t sleep
The gay sheeple are just as dumb as the straight sheeple. “WE DEMAND THE GOVT GET INVOLVED WITH OUR PERSONAL BUSINESS DAMMIT”! lmao
This whole gay marriage thing is pretty sad. Not that it was passed and not that they could have rejected it…the fact that we need government approval to do something that doesn’t hurt other people. Who the fcuk cares if you like people of the same sex or opposite sex? Why should ANYTHING be regulated or matter at all if you aren’t hurting anybody else?
The issue is people can’t seem to think for themselves and must be told what they can or cannot do based on the box they “belong” to. Republican, Democrat, Atheist, Christian, Gay, Straight…it’s all BULL$HIT. I take what I want from all the boxes and make my own beliefs up as I see fit. I don’t hurt others intentionally and that’s all that should matter in life. If we had more FREE THINKERS instead of brainwashed zombies thanks to our media, political and educational systems this would be a non issue and nothing to celebrate.
Fry and Blue eyed devil…we gotta get drinks or something. So odd to hear people say what I think for a change.
I’m all for people being happy. You live one life, do something meaningful and make damn sure at the end of the day you can say you lived a good life. If gay marriage allows you to do that, go for it.
scrutiny and subjection. who determines what is harmful? is abortion harmful? if so what trimester? who decides if marijuana is harmful to me? I mean alcohol is but that’s legal?
Ron swanson.
So, now that you no longer have an excuse are you finally going to propose?
copied from my FB status: Good job NY, way to focus on something that is not important at all, while putting everything else that is important, on the back burner.
I personally don’t think marriage should in any way be limited by the gov’t… seperation of church/state!
But really NY? with everything else going on in the world…should we REALLY be worrying about gay marriage?
Takes the focus off all the other things that NYS is neglecting, and makes a whole group more supportive of those same politicians.
Gay marriage is gay.
thums up for buttsecks
Just another step towards the end of the world.
So what when one husband dies the other collects the benefits? Lol, how gayy