New York needs to raise taxes

I love New York.

Some of the highest gas prices in the nation and now they are raising taxes.

If McCain becomes president, I am leaving the country.

What does McCain have to do with higher taxes and NY gas prices?
Did you mean Obama?

More of just a small rant on the fact that this country is going to shit.

^If McCain or Obama win you might want to leave.
Obama will push for higher taxes, I promise you.


Sorry it’s the truth, the same way Reagan and Bush I were forced to raise taxes.

Taxes are fine if they pay to fix the country. I am actually a republican but am voting for Obama.

I am not paying taxes and dealing with dumbass McCain’s solution of adding more troops to Iraq and offshore drilling to solve our energy crisis when our own country is falling apart.

Obama IMO seems like the only candidate that actually has a clue what is going on and coming up with ways to fix it and not blind the countries voters with stupid ideas that solve nothing to win votes.

Again, don’t want to turn this into a political discussion becuase everyone has their views, just my opinion.

:word: to AWD

In chicago, the govener of the state said that although guns are all but banned, gun violence is on a very high climb. She said that they want to set up speeder cameras on the highways, and it will raise 300 million a year for a “tatical response” unit to clean up the city. These democratic states are just bat shit crazy with taxes. Once they run out of things to tax you on, then they turn to the other tax collerctor, the police and law enforcement.

you mean Bush’s “huge increase in spending, yet cut taxes” policy is bad?

Um, how about we stop spending 60 percent of our taxes on healthcare, and other social programs. No we can’t do that, we have to keep those, we just need to take more money out of my pocket.

Who’d have thought that spending money you don’t have would bite the american public in the ass?

Do you just make up statistics?

Amen. Health care should be privatized along with social security. Take that on top of stopping the war and other foreign conflicts we have no purpose in and we will have enough to pay off some of the debt and help fix the situation here in our own country.

Just for medcaid, we spend 2,256 per person per year, the highest of any states.

Do you debate the fact that we also have the highest school, and welfare speding also?

Where does all of this money come from?

And you think that losing over half of every dollar I make taxes isn’t enough?

You laugh at the idea of drilling for more oil as a solution, but our polititions are “addticted to taxes”. Every time they come up short, the just tax more. I know when I come up short, or a business comes up short, WE STOP FUCKING SPENDING. You don’t raise taxes every time you want more stuff, you look at what you are spending on, and look at what WILL be cut. This state is so fat with state employees, all running fat programs that its choking us.

Many of the raise taxes bunch has never lived outside this state. But can you imagine that there are states that have NO INCOME taxes, and very low sales tax, and they still exist just fine. How is that possible?

Business management doesn’t really translate to running a country FYI.

#1 it’s not a linear concept,

#2 you don’t have to take into account geopolitical effects of making changes in business policy like you do in government,

#3 the US economy is much more delicate than you think (or thought perhaps you changed your mind after recent events)

Health care, in the form of health insurance, SHOULD NOT BE A FUCKING FOR PROFIT INDUSTRY. It’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard of. Yeah privatized social security would have been fucking awesome this year. Can you even imagine what would have happened if SS was invested in the market when it fucking tanked this year?

^What difference does it really make?
Do you think it is safe where it is now?
Do you think you will receive SS?

anyone from this generation who thinks their going to actually collect on SS is naive.

What’s worse is looking how much you’ve already paid into the program, and will continue to pay into, knowing that it’s money you’ll never be able to collect on. If our dysfunctional government can’t even get that shit storm figured out, I don’t want them touching my health care. One problem at a time

Business management doesn’t really translate to running a country FYI.

or it’s just that politicians don’t want to treat it like such. (why would they?)

So doctors, nurses, aids, and all those people shouldn’t be paid for thier work. Doctors that spend 9-10 years in school shouldn’t get a healthy pay check. Why would anyone start a healthcare business if they can’t make profit. Isn’t profit the driving force of this very economy. And you see how the DMV, welfare, highway authority… are all run and you still think that the government can do a better job, good luck with that one.

What industry do you work in? Would you work in it if it was non-profit? If not, then why should doctors. Do you think we would have the best people doing the job if we paid them like auto mechanics?

Your right this economy isn’t linear, because even though they the GOVERNMENT is making RECORD PROFITS (not just the oil companies) they still want more money.

I have a simple question, when is enough enough. Will we ever pay less taxes, or are my kids going to pay 80 percent of thier income to taxes?

We have to get to a point, that we as a people stop wanting to pay for the social scum of this planet, and decide that we want to work so that we can enjoy the benefits, not everyone else. I work for me and my family. Once we get rid of the BS social spending for the derelicts of this state, then I will accept more taxes. Until then, your just moving money like a sick peter pan.

Our current idea of how to run this state isn’t working. If it did, we wouldn’t have the higest taxes in the union, with the same services as the other states. Oh if your a dirt ball, you get more in NYS, but what does a working individual get? Tell me why I the working person, should pay more of my check. What do I get for it? After all it is MY money, I earned it.

^^^ but… but… but… it takes a village :gay:

I wish they ran it like a business. Had people invest in on it by buying stock. If you wanted to vote and benefit from the government, you had to own a share of stock and only one per person. You can sell yours back at any time and if the government did good, stock would go up and people would benefit from its programs.