New York needs to raise taxes

lol I’m writing in Boxxa on election day

N20JUNKIE: I can already tell you that Joe will give you a gloom and doom worst case scenerio about education, etc.

“The kids in NY will be like kids from Alabama if we don’t tax the fuck out of NY for education.”

If we get to the middle of the road tax wise we will be the least educated state.:smash2:

His ignorant views aren’t worthy of a response. They pretty much self-rebut.

Of course, its the best way to pass a tax hike. Say its for the children, if that doesn’t work, its to protect the police, and if that still doesn’t work then its about the fire fighters.

Look for me on the ballot in 20 years.

US Government Inc. is going to be my election forefront.

Yea, say my views are ignorant. If I am so ignorant, tell me how wrong I am, refute what I have said. Because you will find yourself in the minority. Just typing a response will be tough, because its hard not to word it so it will sound like what it truely is. The truth is easy to type. BS euphemisms and “big words” can’t make the tax hikes look paletable to the hard working taxpayers.

Why bother? You’re not going to change them, no matter how bad i were to pwn you. I’ll spend my time on something more productive: macking it to the hot intern. At least that might accomplish something.


Yea, thats a great response. Dude I will own you so bad, but don’t wana. Like Obama, afraid of a town hall meeting or any other oposing view.

I heard communism is sweet lets give that a try.

Take what you lose in Federal income, State income and Social security taxes. Then add in what you lose if you save the money, what you lose if you spend it, add fuel taxes, phone taxes, cell phone taxes, registration of your vehicles (taxes, they take you money, and spend it on roads). Add in property and school taxes…

Maybe its not over 50 percent, but its getting pretty dam close.


I’m really confused. Boxxa seems to be all about less government spending, and not wanting socialized health care, but just a minute ago he said he was voting for Obama.

The “I want change” vote really scares me this year, because about 80% of those people have no clue the direction “change” is going to bring them. I don’t agree with the Joes, but their vote doesn’t scare me because they actually know what Obama stands for and agree with it. What terrifies me is the number of people I talk to who have no clue what he stands for but say they’re going to vote for him because they want change.


The racist vote scares us just as much. Don’t worry.

i used to be on obamas nuts but his economic policies are out of control

i fucking hate the two party system

Considering the last democratic presidents have spent less (%) than their republican counterparts you might want to re-think the government spending meme

Do you even fucking read? I said HEALTH INSURANCE should not be run for-profit. That doesn’t mean people don’t get paid it means you’re not trading the stock based on PROFIT increases of an industry that is supposed to TAKE CARE of people. For profit insurance ends up creating a system where the goal is to deny rather than to care for its customers. FYI, medicare has less bureaucratic economic loss than the private health insurance industry.

The government isn’t making profit you fucktard, we run deficits. The government NEEDS to start making profit so we can pay down the MASSIVE DEBT we have. Oh are you too stupid to know the difference between revenue and profit?

So sit down, shut the fuck up about “oh it’s my money, I shouldn’t have to pay taxes if I don’t want to, boo fucking hoo” You go figure out a way to have a functioning society without social programs (that doesn’t turn into a police state) and I’ll give you a big cookie. Maybe you and AWDrifter can go live off the grid together, enjoy living off nature (you know that thing we dirty liberals try to keep preserved and clean with YOUR money)

:bigclap:saved me 10 minutes of work time. Thank you sir.

OMG they take you money and spend it on roads? The roads that you and I and millions of other people use every day for fun and for business. THEY FUCKING TAKE YOU MONEY AND SPEND IT ON THOSE THINGS?
