newer diesel advice

it’s also the only one you can get with a REAL trans.

i didnt ask 6.0 or 7.3 opinions ive worked on them before and id never buy one. negs distributed accordingly.


Gets 'em every time.

was really hoping pjb wasnt going to post in this thread :rofl

If I wanted a diesel truck, it would be a Duramax.

I have no experience with the ford myself. I was seriously consodering one when i bought my truck but lassed it up because of the stuff i read about the 6.4s mileage. Otherwise they seemed like a good solid truck. I just wasn’t interested in doing anything to it. My dmax gets 17 regularly and over 19 all highway, 15/16 if i do a lot of towing. It’s been a good truck so’s an 08 and can be found for around the price you’re looking at. If i had to do it again I’d go older and avoid some emissions shit.

Nice. Probably just stay on the safe side and go with a duramax. So far ive found an 05 and an 07.5 that sparks her interest.

Sweet dude, good luck with the hunt and post some pictures of it when you get it. Out of curiosity what is she looking to do with it? Any big plans for it?

My buddy Mark who came to Waynes that you met with me has the exact 6.4 powerstroke as Hatfields, its a nice truck and he got a sick deal on it because they had it marked as a gasser. As was mentioned do the egr delete bullshit, what was not mentioned was watch the oil coolers on them.

Look at some of the dirtymax down south, they get cheaper down this way.

Honestly she just wants a jacked up diesel to run errands with haha. Shes got a few jetskis and a boat so im sure they’ll get towed with it too. But mostly to the post office and hannaford and back.

Nice yes i remember him saying that right before that doucher got in my face about the truck dick measuring contest.

Im looking all around! Were not afraid to road trip to find one. Let me know if you come across any dj!

6.4 is actually a pretty good motor and the rest of the powertrain is fairly good as well. The 6.7 come apart is also fairly good for what it is, the only thing I don’t like is their crazy ass double EGR system to avoid DEF fluid. Something with higher miles that has incured alot of idle time or crappy fuel is a major $$s problem waiting to happen. That and dodge running gear still blows. My advice find a 06 or preferably an 07 Dmax and never have a problem. 07 has the best internals and the 6 speed ally with the least emissions equipment that is very easy to defeat if you stay in a classic body style.

Just my .02 but what do I know I only work on them for a living.

go older and avoid emissions then, atleast with the new D-maxes the EGR coolers and emissions canisters get plugged from lots of short distance unloaded driving.

I don’t know anyone who would leave that shit on there, certainly not Jon. LOL

Yes some of it can be removed, but if you fuck with the stuff and tune the truck there goes your powertrain warranty. Thats why I would stay with either an 06 or preferably 07 (LBZ engine designation) Mechanically the internals were improved for the next years additional emission crap. So you get the stronger internals with none of the draw backs. They also get the best milage out of any D-max.

Perfect, 06-07 it is.

Since there is already a lot of solid info in this post…


she taught me how to eat pussy back when i was a young lad
