Newman this one is for you

the car fucking sucks, get a clue. ok great he dropped a ton of time and money to make is look worse :picard:




guys name is mike and he has no brother…i believe hes into his 30’s now too. Car was originally red back in the day and has white rims. When some of the people were buying fire extinguishers from AutoZone and putting them in there car he took one out of his house and strapped it on the pillar:lol: So he aquired the name Fire Man Mike and kids from alden call him Jonny Neon…

This is true besides the fact that you think it “aint slow”
And Stock GST Eclipse=Slow

i got aidz by looking

I saw them both pull in to the clarence walmart last year.

Interesting I guess?
They parked near my car and were staring at me as I got in to mine.
I was like Wtf?

imo, if I have a car I love.
I would never take it to a place were shopping carts exist.
Or, where cars can park near it.
Or come within 50 feet of my car.
Hell, I’d probably never drive it.

But really. Walmart shopping carts = will rape the fucking face off your mirrors if they hit it. I can’t count how many times I’ve been leaving work on a windy day and I see a mirror hanging off someones car by the power cord :x


neons aer gay


oh and speedped’s vote actually counts for -1. That brings you guys back down to +1.

ok im not tryin to defend or go with what u guys say but i have met him he has helped me alot with my own car. yes i know baby blue not so good color pic. hes accualy a really cool/nice guy hes not one that will laugh at ur face cause his car his better then yours. i know im porlby goin to get shuned for postin this but ive been to his house ive hung out with them alot at car shows. all in all hes a cool guy

There was a series of posts in this thread that just appeared as ignored posts. I had to go back and open them to see people I had ignored defending this piece of trash.


this kid tried sellin me a motor with a spun bearing a few years ago when that THING was red… yea hes a real cool/nice guy :bloated:

but everyone has a little asshole personality in them to ha

no, im just openly an asshole… this dude was trying to take advantage of a “younger” person at the time…

Mike is cool imo. But who am I right.

ryan your car is hot
will you take $$500 for it I have cash in hand

if not


i dont care how cool this guy is or how nice he is, that car trumps all that !!!
