Newman this one is for you

I found this gem in the Tops parking lot on Union today.
(cue Jaws theme)

All decked out in winter mode (shark hood is in hibernation).

it matches my eyes <3

he delivers pizza at a place on union…

i know this because i drove by and it was parked by the side of the road and had a sign on the top for johnnys i velive… but he had his underbody neons on… ugh vomit

Yup seen it there a few times when driving by, it had the pizza delivery sign on the roof :P:P

Its the brother of someone who used to be on the Barf. Fuck, can’t remember the s/n. Car used to be black w/primered body kit at the time.

Or, i could be completely wrong.

Words cannot describe how much gay that car has.

seriously… do we really need ANOTHER F’n post about this car??? couldnt we just add this pic to the last one???

+1 union by maryvale…i see it there all the time.

i look at it head on, and with the way the bumper is and the way he has fog lights in the grille and the license plate…NO air at all is getting to the radiator…none…so lets hope for a few hot summer days this year to get this car off the road for good…

this is old… that car needs to die as much as the threads about it.

Was going to, but that post is locked. So yes this thread was required.

pic of shark hood for reference?

I see this thing driving around all the time.Just makes me want to walk up to the kid and ask why

this is a repost i think i saw this in a thread once befor not to long ago

Search for Caz show. It’s a long thread :slight_smile:


Saw said guy driving down Main st with the sign on the roof. Too bad I was going the other way lol

he works at johnnys pizza his name baby blue mike i think, his gf has that pink cavy with lambo doors, car aint slow, went even with a stock GST eclipse, but of course hes got engine work N/A though, i dont actually mind this its not like he did a bad job to it, but that white hood is fucking gay

Your custom title should be “I defend the gayest cars on earth”

or mayabe you should get to know people and see that hes a cool guy and put time into the car and stop being a dick

