Newman's 1986 BMW 326rb build thread.

The CAD images make me think of an octopus, but it only has 6 “legs.” I dub your manifold, the hectopus. :tup:

I’m also trying to think of a name for a creature with the body of a 6 legged octopus and a snail for a head, but apparently I’m all out of clever.

Anyhow, that rust destroyer should work pretty well. I’ve had good luck with that type of product on all sorts of rusty old stuff. '93 Sentra, 92 F150, 75 BMW R75/6, the hand crank to a 100 year old New Way hit-or-miss gas engine…

Are you effing up many pieces when doing the custom fab stuff or are you just that careful and methodical that you don’t wind up with any “practice” pieces?