Newman's 1986 BMW 326rb build thread.

Certain things in cad are far harder than others. Using constraints wisely in my manifold design took some thought that I think a lot of people would falter with. If it was all 90 degree bends, anyone could figure it out, but when you need to use adaptive constraints to determine fitment/intersections on tangent, non 90 degree bends using angles that have yet to be determined is not easy. It took me about an hour to figure out how to do that…

I understand what your saying, and you are right. Thats why I said it takes time to be proficient and understanding to use it wisely. I should have also added experience to the list. I know Ive learned alot from trial and error.


The CAD images make me think of an octopus, but it only has 6 “legs.” I dub your manifold, the hectopus. :tup:

I’m also trying to think of a name for a creature with the body of a 6 legged octopus and a snail for a head, but apparently I’m all out of clever.

Anyhow, that rust destroyer should work pretty well. I’ve had good luck with that type of product on all sorts of rusty old stuff. '93 Sentra, 92 F150, 75 BMW R75/6, the hand crank to a 100 year old New Way hit-or-miss gas engine…

Are you effing up many pieces when doing the custom fab stuff or are you just that careful and methodical that you don’t wind up with any “practice” pieces?

I haven’t scrapped on piece of metal yet. I make paper templates to do all the sheetwork, and everything else i measure twice, cut once.

EDIT: Gastropodahectopus

damn, i need to start getting back into inventor, i need to design my manifold for this season lol.

damn newman, u are the shit when it comes to cad and machine work. I never knew that

mmm, just got some 5/8 HRS from the scrap bin for use as a welding jig for the headflange.

what version are you using of inventor?

I did that in 10, but didn’t use any features that weren’t available before 6 (which is the earliest version i ever used) Only used very basic commands, but had to use them in tricky ways.

hey i saw that exaust manifold up in maples office. looks nice:tup:


hey i saw that exaust manifold up in maples office. looks nice:tup:


haha, yeah, i gave the collector to hasek to weld up. :slight_smile:


hey i saw that exaust manifold up in maples office. looks nice:tup:


you work at derrick?


you work at derrick?



the better question is who hasn’t worked at derrick.

good question…and derrick sucks


the better question is who hasn’t worked at derrick.


I dont, but I have delivered pizza there on a daily basis.
Cheap fucks work there.

how come you never delievered when i was there shawn?


how come you never delievered when i was there shawn?


I just work at night now because of school.

i quit there


i quit there


Good. New drivers get robbed for subs or slices there all the time. Its a shame people have to steal food from people who work for tips. Assholes never got me though.