Newman's 1986 BMW 326rb build thread.

i am trying to fit 2… I think i should be able to…

The trans tunnel on the pass side may prove difficult…

coming along well, looking good mang!

Before anything else:

HUGE THUMBS UP TO JESSE AT BLAST OFF. He is a great guy. Not only did he deal with me working on my car at his shop, but he even helped me paint it. He is a real stand up dude. He is very honest about what he can and cannot do, and will work his ass off to make you happy. 10/10. If you need ANYTHING blasted, this is the guy to see…

Ok, i dropped about 200 bucks on paint supplies today. Gallon of Por15, Gallon of metal ready, Brushes, rags, towels etc.

Got to the BLAST OFF INC and got started right away. The first step was to coat the car with POR15 METAL READY.

It’s an etching fluid that allows the por15 to stick. You brush it on and then hose it off. However, i had to sponge/wipe it off because i didn’t have a hose. It leaves a zinc phosphate coating on the metal and helps with the adhesion of the paint. Here’s what it looks like after it’s all said and done:

The man, the legend. Mr. Blast Off himself

Now i turned to my can of POR-15 Rust Preventative Paint. This shit was almost 130 bucks, but i’m told is worth every penny.

You are not supposed to get this on your skin. That’s what the warning on the top of the can is… It states that if it dries on your skin, it won’t come off for weeks…

Needless to say, i am covered in it.

Including my face.


I tried sanding it off my face.


But the car came out great!!!


About 10 bucks worth of paint…

Overall, I am very pleased with the way it came out. It still needs another coat, as well as a topcoat of a regular paint, but I am confident that the shell will never rust again…

Looks excellent.

LMK if you ever need a hand with anything, I’d love to help out.

looks good mang.


btw i noticed you got that moonroof done. how’d you end up doing it?

i AM wearing gloves.

apparently they ripped!

it’s tack welded in in about 20 spots. I am going to use fiberglass resin and kittyhair to fill the cracks and then sand flush.

most interesting, well-documented project car on here :tup:

ohh those little condom thingys. weak. you need thick blue doctor gloves

I was rocking those (thick blue, doctor kind) while stripping the Datsun, realized that I probably should’ve been using thick industrial rubber gloves when I went through 6 double pairs and got a few nice chemical burns. :lol:

Looks great Newman, progress is always a plus!

word. but for what newmang was doin, the blue docta would suffice

yeah POR15 is some nasty shit, took weeks for it to wear off my wrists

por15 is great. the best way to remove it from skin is cut it off =X

Just a warning; if you have any left over and you plan on using it later be careful when you open the can. The por15 will suck up the air in the can when it is sealed so when you open the can again it will pop and shoot all over.

you are screwed, that warning is correct I wore a por15 tatoo for 4 weeks!

ya i like the latest tat bro

car looks good. How much did you have left over?

ya that shit sucks, to get off
Just scrub with a lava bar, or a scotch brite pad. A little every night, or twice a day. And you have new skin in about a week. :wink: Hands is easy, the soft inside forearm takes longer. lol

I have a little less than a half gallon.
i will probably use it on the interior or recoat the whole thing…

it says to do 2 thin coats, but i did one thick coat for lack of time.

I hope you didnt get any paint in the lip of the can where the lid sits. If you did i hope you put a bag between the lid and lip or ur gonna have a fuck of a time getting it back off lol. I learned the hard way and had to cut the can open with a cutoff wheel lol.

^^^ ya, put it in a new can, smallest you can find.
I just buy the started kits for $14. you can do a lot with one of them.