RB26 in a 92 240?

i was talking to a mechanic and i asked him the question would a RB26 from the nissian skyline gtr fit in a 92 nissan 240 sx? he wasnt sure so i was wondering if anyone has a answer to this question?

thx’s … Nick

it has been done, but it is prohibitive. for starters the gtr awd transmission will have to be replaced with rwd transmission from a rb25 (why not get the rb25, which will only need mckinney motor mounts). twin turbo wastegate etc need to go for steering rack, u will want to replace the twin turbos with a big single for more power anyways. After going through all that trouble plus more it will be cheaper to buy an r32 gtr. there r other rb options such as th rb20 and rb25 which r doable, the engines themselves cost the same as a ca18 or sr20 but requires more to put them in, mckinney mounts aint cheap. imo rb doesn’t suit the s13, poor weight distribution makes a nimble turner to nose heavy understeerer which the s13 already suffers from a bit of when off the gas.

^ says who

Says most people. Nothing he said in there was incorrect.

It can be done, but there are smarter options out there, for anything beyond “being different” or going in a straight line.

There’s a gorgeous RB26 S13 hatch, black, widebody, I believe he’s out of the Ottawa Region, but he’s been at various shows.

you don’t need mckinneys and theres is very little extra work… i have an rb25 in my winter beater s13… the only thing it really needs is a drive shaft made, the customise ation of the skyline x bumeber and tranny x member ran no more than 2 hours max, and a drive shaft can be had in the neighbour hood of 300$ any competent shop can do the wiring it’s not hard… people are jsut affraid.

the majority of th additional weight is behind the front wheels, (the transmission) and my rb ends at most 2-3" forward of where the ka did. i have the stock clutch fan and everything.

with the battery in the back and a silvia front end i’d think you’d be hard pressed to ay there is a significantly noticeable weight increase in front of the wheel.

also the twin turbos do not need to go with an rb26 swap there are plaent of them who retain the twins, u just needs a custom DP… a single is always nice to have tho.

people who haven’t done the swap really need to keep out of it, i know of a few people with rb track cars here in jp who’s weight distribution front to back has improved… how many of the complainers have ever put thier car on the scales. it all depends on your individual setup you can’t say because 1 guys rb car handles like ass that clealy they all do. that’ the problem with a custom swap each persons is different.

Hey Heatw…how much work more is a rb26 compared to the rb25 (which from what iv’e seen and you said is not to difficult as people try to say)?


you need an rb25 oil pan, and a rb25 transmission. definitely need custom mounts, or at least the cross members from a rwd skyline and them modify it, and you need a custom down pipe for sure. those are the major differences… other wise the works and required parts are prteey much the same. and rb26 is more work in that you have to go out find the parts and buy them where as u can just buy an rb25 clip and have most of them.