S13 RB26 Swap

I’m planning an RB26 swap into my '92 S13 hatch. I’ve spent a long time researching the swap and gathered a lot of info, both on the motor, chassis, and making the two work together. Some issues won’t be a problem in this case considering the following:

  • I picked up the motor for $1500, so no overkill on the price.
  • I will be doing this swap over the winter, therefore no rush.
  • Resources not limited. Will not be paying anyone to do this swap for me.

As far as I know, a few things I have to pick up include R33 crossmember, transmission, I will be making my own mounts, a shorter driveshaft, downpipe, and I must cut and weld the oil pan (will not be using an RB25 pan). More parts will be added such as N1 oil and water pumps, timing belt, etc… I have no power steering and there will be no A/C, so I’m not worried about that.
I did the SR thing, I’ve had the redtop in the car for roughly 2 years now, with a fair amount of supporting mods along the way.
I will be doing every bit of the swap myself with some help, not worried about paying someone else to do it. I have a good amount of mechanical and electrical knowledge under my belt, as I am a licensed tech as well.
The SR20 was a fun motor, but with compression on it’s way out and a faint knocking in the bottom end, it’s time for a change.

Is there anything I am missing with this, or is there anyone who has had experience with a swap like this? From what I’ve seen, there’s a very high ratio of people flaming this idea vs. supporting it on forums, etc…
I’ve considered many possibilities for a new motor and have seen the bad and the good, so it would be nice to see some constructive support!

Please comment!!!


i have a custom exhaust from the dump pipes that is crutial to make th car run properly


did this swap 3 yrs ago

Are you running it on a car currently? Or are you looking to sell. :smiley:

P.S. has anyone had any notable experience with the zerolift mount kit available from enjukuracing.com? They claim to use the stock 240sx crossmember and stock mounts :S

Contact PUR auto, they can make the mounts for you, they have the jigs there for rb26 into 240 with stock crossmember.

Attend to the oil collar issue before you install the motor.

Im not sure if the N1 oil pumps attend to that or not.

Sideways240…should know for sure!

My engine guy is building up a few 26’s right now. O.E oil pumps with some custom collar or something. I forget. When he gets back from vacation, if i remember to ask. I will do so.

Best of luck. Looking forward to hearing about this build, if you decide to go ahead with it.

I’ll be installing a jun oil collar before it even sees the car :wink:

Thanks for the info on Pur btw, I’ll check it out asap!

Not sure if those jigs will work. I built them for a '97 crossmember. They are different.

I am glad the stand is going to be used for this legendary swap

Also roam GTRCanada which can help in terms of the rb26.

Kengi, without you, there would be no way.

is there not an issue with the TT hitting the steering rack with this swap ? or did it hit the power steering pump? Maybe if its the rack you would want to look into a big single instead of the TT?

^No… there isn’t an issue. It just takes some thinking and skill to get it to fit right.

Pur didn’t get my RB26 swap done right…my downpipe hit my steering pump and sat on the steering lines with absolutely no heat wrap…just putting it out there

s13counterpart and sidewayz240 i have no issues with you guys, you were always helpful with my swap, but Greg realy didn’t know what he was doing and i had to re-do everything

^Just so you know. I didn’t make your downpipe. I had to leave PUR before that project ended. And, before I left I told them how to do it properly. I guess they didn’t?
The person who made your downpipe was unfortunately unmotived and fired subsequently for it. Greg also left.

In case you were unaware.


i know you didn’t work on it, I’m sure if you did it would have been the right way.

i think my car was a guinea pig for that shop and the quality of work proves my assumption.

i just hope nobody has to go through what i had to.

thanx for all your help again

ur not hte first i too fell for the trap and felt like a ginny pig as well for my rbswap

all these ^^ goingon.

i believe there is some serious smashing of the tranny tunnel/fire wall to make this work.

other then that tackle things as they happen. farmer did do this swap and knows whats up

Bill and I arent worried about the tt hitting anything. Custom manifolds will be designed and fabricated by us both.

There is no power steering in my car, so I’m not worried about the pump… but I will be using a custom downpipe that will clear the steering joint. :cool:

Also, there shouldn’t be any smashing involved (well, minimal.), as I will be using mounts to position the motor lower in the bay. Because of this, no hood clearance problems should arise.
PureEuro, thanks for the quick thinking; gtrcanada has been a good help and source of info.
Ken, thanks again for the stand, it will definitely be put to good use! :smiley:

Everyone else, thanks for all the support and input. Please continue to PM/post with questions and concerns!!
And remember to check back for updates! You guys will be the first to know everything, as this thread is doubling as my own notes/journal leading up to the swap itself.