Newman's 1986 BMW 326rb build thread.

Rhino-lined the floor… looks ILL

Did you do this tonight after I was driving next to you on the 90 from the 400 to Walden at about 5:15ish???

What’s the main benefit of using Rhinoliner?

It doesn’t need carpet :tup:

Nice! …but seriously, does it have any heat or sound insulation properties to it?

came out awesome.

and yes to him on the 90 at 515, coming back for purchasing said bedliner

this thing is so rad dude. can’t wait to see it in action

More info on the Rhino liner? Did you do it yourself or did someone have to spray it for you? How’s the cost on something like that?

DIY, I paid 75 bucks at autozone. Still have a lot more than half a can left, you can have it for 40, with the special roller and tray.

It might damp out SOME sound, but it’s main function is longevity… I really don’t need to run carpet now…

rhino liner sounds like too much weight…i would have NO floor if it were up to me…you need a spot for your heels and thats IT.

For whomever you sell it to within a year…?


I don’t think that weight will be an issue with this. It’s a pretty good idea.

i read back 5 pages, is the greenish yellow an oem bmw color that the E46 was available in?

the color is called “gnuman86rb26” its a one off color. honestly its just a color picked from a book of every paint color know to man lol. and i bet the “rhino liner” weighs less than the carpet.

I don’t need it yet but thanks for the info. It just seemed like a good idea to me and I hadn’t thought of it before.

k THX, obviously i dont think NOT having a floor is a good idea.

what a DOPE!

I think a plexy glass floor would be pretty bad ass, so you can see the road under you moving!

and then crash because you were looking down :banghead:

Hey, how are you gonna mount the xfer case?