Newman's 1986 BMW 326rb build thread.

a few friends of mine did this to their jeep and bronco. looks great and when you make a mess, you just hose it out. :slight_smile:


Sooo… are you going to be keeping the AWD?


wow, simply wow… there are 70 pages of mystery for some posters.

Looks great man :tup:

wow that turned out great

yea um…thats not his car:banghead:

whoops… :roflpicard:… i never follow these 70 page threads

Newman = new sunroof.

how’s the roof liner holding up? I remember concerns of it being burned when the cage was welded in…

daaaaaamn thats sick bro

It’s been damaged a bit between the cage/blasting, sitting with no windows for a few years, but I think I can save it…

lol@sitting for a few years

keep up the progress

I remember when you put the headliner in. That shit made me all light headed and whatnot. Maybe thats why you started to look so pretty that day christian.

I hope you can, it was BA.

I updated the site.

Nothing really new though:

Last 2 entries

Thanks to all the guys who helped me get it on the ground last night. Now i’m going to go install some suspension parts. :smiley:

Np with the help :tup: it’s going to be a sweet ride when it’s all done

lol did u find them?