NHL Playoffs

i wanna see caps win it so bad tomorrow nite



I’m still hoping for a Caps/Blackhawks final.

I don’t think they have the talent, but I’d like to see Chicago win it all. It’s always nice to see guys the sabres cheap out on win elsewhere. Guess that Campbell contract doesn’t look so retarded now…

IMO Campbell isn’t that great with the defensemen they have now. Duncan Keith and Seabrook > Campbell. I’m glad we got rid of him.

^ That Campbell contract will look retarded when Chicago has to start resigning some of their free agents next year, like Havlat who happens to lead the team in post season points and led the team in regular season points.

Walker and Johnson are UFA’s too, +17 and +19 D men making 600k and 525k a year right now. They’ll be expecting some money.

that would be great

Honestly what do people see in the caps? i see a two man offense and a hot young goalie.

What’s not to like?


The Blackhawks are getting the same amount of production out of a guy (Seabrook) who’s making more than half of what Campbell is making.

7 mil for Brian Campbell is retarded.

Spending up to the cap on the other hand, is not retarded.

wow this detroit game is exciting the last few mins.


gotta love the fisticuffs at the end. Even moreso gotta love detroit getting pushed to 7. Have we ever had 3 game 7’s in 4 series before?

i thought ide never say this, but i feel bad for datsyuk. he got raped by neidemeyer.

i see ovechkin

so who is everyone pulling for in the game 7’s? I want Anaheim, Washington, Boston

Detroit, Washington, Boston.

I used to hate Detroit when they tried to buy the cup each year, but seeing them put together strong teams year after year post-salary cap impresses me.


I just really hope detroit, boston, or pittsburgh don’t win the cup. I still want the bruins vs. carolina but that’s more of a personal thing against that team. I hate when the same city wins a ton of championships in one or multiple sports when there’s ones out there that never win anything.