NHL Playoffs

im so sick of the Red Wings. Its over for Chicago though. Now all I can say is GO PENS!!!

Is it bad that while watching Carolina V Pitt the only thing I can root for is that the arena explodes?

Fucking amen!

wow chicago put huet in for 3rd period. i hope thats a good call

haha the wings got royally fucked on the kronwall call, that was a clean hit. maybe its just karma from the brown/hudler hit?

Go redwings! Hopefully they round out the series tonight and go on to beat pitt for a second year in a row.


I didnt want either team to win, but did carolina really have to let pitt sweep them?


2 years in a row :slight_smile: not too shabby

Rematch time, Go wings! Please let them beat gay ass pittsburg


Yeeaahh!!! Go WINGS!! Countdown to KEEPING the Cup begins!

Well I’m not going to be watching the Stanley Cup.

Pens in 6 :wink:

in for not caring

Eh while you might not care for either team Detroit plays an awesome game to watch and Pitt can hang right in there. Should be a good series to watch I just hope Crosby doesn’t win. They never shut up about him as it is, can you imagine the constant media humping when he does win a cup?

Kinda dumb that they are playing saturday and sunday back to back… in any event, go wings crush the penguins

Agreed. Go Wings.

Bettman’s NHL… It’s all about TV and nothing about the game, even in the series championship. It wouldn’t surprise me if you missed a good 5 minutes of game one because his ugly face will be stuck in a pop up window talking about great the back to back games will be while play is going on.

it is dumb, but it was the only way NBC would air the games.

I’ll be watching it on CBC anyways :slight_smile:

I could understand it when all their primetime shows were getting ready for their season finales. They don’t want some stupid hockey game that 99% of America doesn’t give a shit about to go into quadruple overtime messing with the schedule. But now they’re just showing re-runs anyway, so if who cares if a Monday game runs late.