NHL Playoffs

theyre crybabies because the media asked about it and they tried to avoid the question?

i could dig up a few quotes from these playoffs of ovechkin saying some pretty whinny shit, but seriously who cares.

at least they didnt score on the 5 min bullshit call on brown, as far as I remember.:mamoru:

they did get boned on that call, but the ref did what he had to do, he lost sight of the puck and blew the whistle, sucks for the wings.

Apparently you care :mamoru: I just thought the Idea of complaining about it is funny. As for the Detroit game I didn’t see the last period but the penalty called on Detroit that lead to the Duck’s second goal was bullshit, especially since the ducks do it about 50 times a game.

WTF? Whiteout at melon arena?! Fucking copiers!

well the refs are doing everything they can to get pittsburgh a win…

I hope pitt enjoys the gift, I still don’t see them pulling it off as fluery looks pretty bad as of late.

Edit: Crosby really should shave that puberty stash, if you can’t grow a playoff beard then you should just shave instead of looking like you are in the 9th grade

penguins and hurricanes win… epic fail for playoff hockey tonight haha

im deeply concerned about it

this int the first time theyve done it, i honestly couldnt tell you who started it but its not like every other team in the league does it to an extent or anything.

thank god bettmans is on our side! cause wed never win a game without him.

but to be honest if theodore is in net, pitt would lead the series 3-0, the kid(varlamov) is sick.


Awesome games tonight. The intensity of the play by the players was so high.

Ok you are not supposed to be screaming during the national anthem. Someone should tell the Chicago fans that.

Oh… Go Black Hawks!

Sorry Jay! :stuck_out_tongue:

I wish they would stop showing the hawks holding their sticks in the air and switch over to the other game

lol they get outplayed the whole game and win… ah well, 2-2 still

Anyone know of anywhere that is streaming the Pens/Caps game? I am stuck at the desk of a 200 room hotel that is COMPLETELY empty. I am literally the only person in the whole massive building, and no tv up here. I could drop by the closest room every now and again to catch a few minutes, but I would love to actually watch it.

Bookmark atdhe.net.

That site almost always streams the games.

yes they are the best quality streams


pens and hawks up 3-2 :slight_smile:

gut check time… not happy about being down 3-2 but its definitely manageable…

You guys rock. I will be using those sites tonight as I am stuck there again!

man hope the caps get it going