is shortening the top fuel and funny car track to 1000ft, bad decision if you ask me


they are only now going to push the car to the 1000ft mark like they did to the 1320. will change gear and everything. same shit will still happen. if u worried about safety, heres an idea, make the track safer! no concrete walls right at the end of the track!

hope they dont do it

so now the cars will be adding more power to get a better et

why don’t they just do roll racing also.

it is unfortunate that Kalitta got killed but to change something that has been going on like this for 50 years, now, I just think its a bad idea

x2 doesnt make sense, just make and race at better tracks

Great idea,they do all there damage after the 1,000’ mark!

not really sure how i feel about it. prob for teh better though.

Soon roll racing and how many car lengths do you want will be implemented

ya but now they are goign to make it run for the 1000 ft mark and now they will say after the 800ft mark they blow most of there shit up

not with the 85-90% nitro rule!

good point… i miss the good ol days when you couldnt even stand behind a car that was warming up in the pits… cause the plooming cloud of nitro knocked u on ur ars!

I think its a poor desicion that had to be made. No one is going to like it, but seriously the cars will just get faster, so its a give and take. This way, every track in america wont be forced to run another 1/8mi of shut down into the neighbors yard.

maybe a good idea but what if you have seats past the 1000ft mark or even at the finish line you won’t even see a complete race, be like getting jipped or something. discounted tickets in those sections then.

it’s a sport where you are driving a car that has thousands of HP, shit will happen. I can’t fucking stand when people get all sissy and want to change shit. If you don’t want to get hurt drag racing, don’t fucking drag race.

This shit pisses me off

Is the any tracks that have seats @ the finish line?

a couple tracks, but tickets are general admission anyway–so first come first serve. around 1000foot is where i watched the race from when i went and seen nitro cars.

as for shutting it down to 1000ft-- i guess they need to do it, but i dont care for it. drag racing is 1320. 1/8th mile gets laughed at… so 1000 ft is ok?

either way, as long as prostock stays 1320, im happy. thats what i like watching anyways.

Im just pissed I’ll have to change my screen name. 1000 just doesnt sound as cool.

i think it might make the racing more exciting to watch, maybe the races will be closer, but i think this is a quick cheap solutuon, the real solution is to make the tracks safer by making them with longer shutdowns and to make things like light poles further away from the track, you go across a barrier at 300+ you might not survive you cross over and hit a pole you wont survive. and that takes money , you figure when these tracks were built they were made for cars going 195+ now these cars are pushing 300+ by going to 1000 feet you get 320 more ft of shutdown

its probably to help with fuel consumption, too. You know with the price of gas going up…
But seriously, make the cars safer, or the track safer don’t change the sport, then again I don’t watch these races, so they can change whatever they want I really don’t care

I am not sure I follow of why this is such a big deal? The constant of time vs distance is still there…that’s what drag racing is all about, getting to the finish line first right?

Won’t this affect all of the old records though? That would be like changing the layout of a football field and making it 75 yards instead of 100 or adding a 5th base in baseball. Won’t it just make all of the old records and data irrelevant. It sounds pretty drastic to me.