OK the first one was pimp.
This one is going to be super pimp.
Let’s all go down to Scrape By The Lake (details)
A few members will be entering their cars. I personally will go to watch and check out cars. If you don’t want to pay $10 admission just wait outside for all of us to leave
[6:30pm-everyone’s full]
Once we’ve seen all the cars we can see, it’s back to bing-a-ling’s restaurant for a delicious meal. Let’s not forget the tips this time
[later - much later]
We head to Lundy’s lane and show team APC cavalair what 30-40 properly spring 240s look like pulling into the lot … those with BOVs make sure they hear them
[Much-Later - Hey the Sun’s out]
free for all. for those that wish to see the falls, casino, strip clubs, what have you. feel free to do so at this time. some members may wish to cruise on their own, that is allowed by all means, but it is not a scheduled part of the meet.
Same deal as last time. We need to know numbers so bing can get his restaurant food worked out. The cost of the meal is $16. I suggest everyone bring a $20 and leave that, and if you forgot to tip last time leave some extra coins when you are done. The food was GREAT and plentiful last time, we had a great parking lot with no hassles, and I think that’s more then a fair price!
of course you are not obligated to tip by anymeans, so do not feel any pressure to do so. last time i know many people intended to tip prior to the meal and i asked that they do so at the end and many simply forgot.
Add yourself onto the list.
Any jibber-jabber in this thread will be deleted.
Any questions use the PMs or start a new thread.
Format: # (your number). (Your REAL name) - (Screen Name)
Haha, If your not doing well…You can drive mine down there…
On second thoughts… The passenger seat is just as comfy for yah Alex…
No back seat riders, dont ask sorry, the subs are there…
im working till 7 @ the hospital, i might be able to meet up with you guys around 845 ish if you are still gona be around…
let me know…and someone please hook me up with the celli number.
thnx M
SWEET, everyone PURGE their Naws, were going street racing, drifting, and crashing cars… again.
dont forget to not signal, stop at red lights, and speed. We need to build up the club reputation for the other clubs who dont think about our club :roll: