niagra falls.....INDIA! WTF

so ok i’m at the hurst nationals in niagra falls… had a great time doing all the tourist stuff, the sights are amazing… but besides the ammenities being a billion times better on the canadian side… WTF is with all the damn Indians people! i thought i was in new fuckin delhi. russians, indians, mexicans and asians… i went no joke 2 hours withought hearing english. pissed me off. i could not find one fast food joint within 15 minutes on the american side. i was a bunch of fucken indian food…YUCK!!! after starving all day i ate at the only decent place…Hard rock. so in review the GBC has now went international and i took this pic for all u burgh motherfuckers…

If you like hot food, Indian is awesome. I had a friend that for two years said he’d never eat Indian until he finally decided to go one night. Now it’s one of his favorite foods. I’d recommend trying it out if you’ve never had it.

Props on the Terrible towel flag, get any pics with it in Buffalo?

fuvk no…the whole city of buffalo was like homewood. i cant understand how such a shit hole has two pro sports teams… granted the bills stadium is in the suburbs. fuck that indian food man. there was no call for every place to have punjab in the damn name. i was taken back by the amount of indian people there. i’m not exagerating this at all. it was as if i was in india.

but how about the hard core looks i got over on the canadian side with my swann jersey. holy fuck. it was either dude grittin or someone yellin out …YEAH STEELERS!!! its funny. i like being a steeler fan outside the city away from masses of steelers fans but enjoy the one person here the one person there giving props.

did u meet any white trash niagara falls bitches?

hard to believe there is no fast food joints on the Canada’s side it suck a tourist trap you would think they would be everywhere

Buffalo has nice areas; you just don’t see them on the way to Niagara. Kind of like what you’d see as a tourist if all you di was come to the 'burgh and saw a hockey game or had to go through Manchester to get to the football game.
It is a shame, like you’d said, that more actual Americans don’t go to some of most treasured places.
I spent a day at the Grand Canyon and only heard English from the people who worked there. It was sad; everyone was foreign.

Dude …I lived is buffalo for a while its a dump.little kids ride roaches through the streets. Cutty id tell you to call someone and complain but its all been outsourced to someplace in Bangladesh…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I guess these people need to learn that tourist destinations are only for English speaking white people. How dare they spend money there.

Now if only we could get Florida and California to become white English speaking designations.

That wasn’t the intent of my post. Everyone is welcome there. My rant is simply because Americans themselves don’t utilize some of the wonderful destinations we have in this country.

And for the other post from SteelCitySix; I lived in Williamsville, which is suburb of Buffalo. Buffalo is bad in places, but it has it’s nice ares, too. The area up around Delware Park is nice, and the burbs aren’t bad. Elmwood is like the South Side. The downtown itself is lacking. No different than most towns it’s size. They just can’t win anything in sports.

Should have traveled to Toronto, then we could hear you complain about how many Asians there are.

no there were a ton on canadas side… NOTHING on the us side