Ethnic Food Lovers, Lets Make a List

I love ethnic food and try it every chance I get. Unfortunately I have become too comfortable with my favorite spots and would really like to branch out into new foods and new places that serve those foods.

So I ask: List up some of your favorite ethnic places in the area and your reasoning. No food is off limits. Lets try to keep authenticity in mind as well.

Places im most recently specifically lookign for:

Dim Sum,

I was sad to see that there are hardly any ethnic places near my house in West Seneca. But, there are ~20 Italian American places…ugh.

Star of India is worth the drive.

Anyone know of any in the Hamburg/OP area?

Koreana for Korean
Uncle John’s near UB South is okay for dim sum (Sunday).

Gatur’s on Allen is pretty good for Ethiopian food.

Slavic Bazaar at William and Bailey for Ukrainian/Russian/Polish/general Slavic food. It’s a lunch place I don’t think they do dinner and it’s not a restaurant but more of a small store with some prepared foods. You can eat there.

I think Kabab and Curry is an Indian/Pakistani place but I’ve never tried it.

India - Star Of India (Kenmore)
Chinese/Dim Sum - Gin Gin (Amherst)
Ethiopian - Lucy’s (Black Rock)
Korean - Have not had any in Buffalo, not anything worth remembering at least

An Ethiopian woman actually suggested Lucys to me based on what she had heard but had never been there. Going to have to try that. Gonna have to try that Slavic Bazaar and Star of India too.

I actually had Korean for the first time today at Korea House in Amherst. Cant compare it to anything but it was very good. Heard good things about Koreana too so I think thats my next place.

Ohhh is there any good Pho in Buffalo too?

I have been to Lucy’s and it is good.

All i know is i go to Pho 99 for some soup when i have a hang over

Indian (Dot)

There is a pretty good Sushi place on the East side of Union just north of Walden.

Houston has so much food its silly.

make sure you take a look at they usually go to various ethnic restaurants

99’s Pho is very good. You can also try Kaydara downtown.

Try the lunch buffet at Tandooris on Transit.

Kaydara does have good pho, as does TLC, although they only do it on Sundays.

Mmm, Tandoori’s

Its too bad we don’t have any good Portuguese food in the area, its not nearly as ethnic as Ethiopian (lucys in blackrock is great btw), but its definitly something buffalo lacks. I really liked the different sauces/meats they had, but i couldn’t get too much into the bread they used, but its definitely worth a try.

If anyone wants thai, I absolutely love Taste of Thai on hertle.

Korean House on Evan st went down hill when the old lady retired and handed it over to another couple.
Koreana is like a self serve place. have a few good dishes.
Seoul Garden on the BLVD, pretty small place run by a husband and wife. It has chinese and Korean food. Not that good. Pretty slow there.
Arirang in the plaza around UB north Campus. Been changing owners a few times. Just so so food.
Uncle John and Gin Gin are pretty good chinese places. Uncle John used to own New York New York on the BLVD right across from Delta Soni 15 years ago. He cook pretty good food. if you have craving for Dim Sum, you can try these 2 places, but it’s bleh at best.
Pho 99 I will not eat the pho there even if I got it for free. They just sold the place to someone and looks like they are not doing it right. I ordered grilled stuffs and it was all deep fried. Pretty mad but can’t say anything cuze i know the owner.
for Sushi, I would never eat at Wasabi or any local Chinese doing sushi, except Kuni on Elmwood area or Papaya on Sushi nights(It’s own by my brother and his friends, and i know where they got their fish). Most of the time, I go to Taki about couple minutes from the border.
Thai food we have Jasemine, Saigon Bangkok, Kind and I, Thai Orchid. Try them out and decide which one you like.

The only ethnic restaurant I am sorely missing in Buffalo is a Brazilian steakhouse. I want my unlimited meat fix without driving to Canada.

El Canelo-mexican
Niagara Cafe-PR

Rachel’s on delaware & chippewa is decent mediterranean for cheap

Sun Restaurant on Niagara in Black Rock is pretty good

New Jamaican place opened about a month ago on Massachusetts, Mama’s Kitchen. Haven’t tried it yet

Wow thats thorough.

With that kind of intel I can only assume youre asian lol?