nicest restaurant in pgh ?

^^^ and that’s why Cutty is a class act.

I’d have to say Grand Concourse for maximum cash-flash effect, otherwise her favorite place.

We tried the melting pot recently and it was ok. But IMO, if you want to do the fondue thing, go to Kiku in Station Square and order the Shabu Shabu. It’s awesome and will probably run you $60 for 2 people. It’s all beef and vegetable and when you are done with the beef, you have a soup at the end.

Casbah, in Shady Side, was really good. I went there several years ago for a friend’s going away dinner. It’s one of those Big Burrito restaurants.

or Ruth’s and maybe Grand Concourse if Sonny approves :baller:

not saying its the best in Pgh, but i like the Green Forest brazilian restaurant in pennhills

& there are a few decent chinese/japanese places that have sushi in the shadyside/sq hill area…there was a place that had good sushi on McKnight but i havent been there in a year or 2 so don’t know if its still good.
it was across from the new target, near the AAA center.

if sonny approves it must be top notch…:bigthumb: :bigthumb: :smiley:

Yes. constant servings of brazillian bbq’d meats. not very expensive either.

i’ve been to them all in mt Washington and my fav was Georgetowne in. Its perfect if you are looking for nice but not way over the top fancy, and they food is excellent. but call ahead and request a window seat.

Hyeholde is generally recognized as one of the areas best.
Monteray Bay is a good bet if you like the Mt Washington experience(as is the Georgetown).
The Stone Mansion in Franklin Park is also a great place.

Stay away from LeMont. I have eaten there. I will not return. High prices, mediocre food, and poor service.

Oh and BTW, if you would like a really great place that is a little easier on the wallet, try Rico’s. Superb food.


yeah our normall spot is spagetti warehouse… lol… inexpensive yet we like it for some reason, I just want to do something different right now the georgetown and grand C is the top 2

Sounds more like you’re trying too hard…

Palomino is right in downtown, and pretty nice. I think it manages to escape the “I’m trying to show off” stereotype.

Decent joint, pretty classy, I have had lunch there, never dinner.

I ate at Casbah, and it was nice. No complaints about the food or service, but I didn’t think the food was on par with the exorbitant prices. And they have freaking outdoor furniture on the enclosed patio area. Put some normal chairs and tables out there at least in the winter if not all year. It didn’t seem right paying $40 for an entree while sitting on a damn iron grate chair.

If you guys both like italian try Franco’s in Fox Chapel.

excellent italian food

Or Abruzzi’s in the South Side has good Italian food, too. I forgot about this place. Haven’t been there in a couple of years, since before they moved into their new building. I always liked the rack of lamb there. Not a real fancy place so maybe not for Valentines, but keep in mind for another time.

mmm rack of lamb


Pittsburgh Rare

Not sure where you are going with this, if you all are truly just friends, then do somethign you both like, not the flash some money around thing. And if you are working the more than friends angle, money doesn’t always get the girl. Most I have met, says big spenders are a turn off. You get the gold digger now and again, but it hasn’t been the norm…

And who, good luck…

its not a flash of money its more or less something totally different than what we normally do. Plus im getting a job promotion and my b day is all around the same time so its like a celebration too shes def not a gold digger and ive known her far to long to flash money around to impress her we normally just hang out at her place or my old one so the whole impress her thing is long gone.

The “O” in oakland