Nick hogan crashes viper


maybe he should stick with wrestling

well that would be true if we were talking about his dad…

i’ve seen him wrestle before thats why i said that

i like the interview by alex as he’s trying to not laugh in his face, i’m going to have to talk to him later about it, heh heh, to funny.

weakest wreck ever.

lol x2

there was some reality show that he was trying to start a wrestling career in, just like his sister starting a pop singing career…“Hogan knows best” i think its called

that show is kinda funny

no non no

nick was attemping to become a wrestler

ie whitey looks like nick

he is a skinny dude… blow me baby

you prob. want him 2

i ask him everyday… he is afraid because my toolbox is bigger

hmmm… maybe if he was worth $2 million more, they he wouldnt have wrecked. or not.