nick hogan

rant: what the hell is wrong with this kid? EVERY time i watch him he is crashing a viper

why doesnt he just crash and s13 or ae86?


who keeps giving him these cars? theyre idiots too

he can afford to, sponsors or not.

i’d do the same thing.

now i cant drift either, but i still say he’s an idiot

learn on a car that will help to teach you, not something as unforgiving as a several several hundred hp viper

Haha, HULKAMANIA! I didn’t even know he was running in Formula D.

That whole family looks inbred. Maybe Hulk should have laid off the juice while he was makin’ babies.

no! he needed MORE JUICE!

He can crash them because Chrysler backs him. Its not that he cant drift because he is very good but he cant keep up and compete at the FD level. Dont be so quick to judge.

FYI - There are a lot of talented drivers crashing at every event. Its not easy to drift at the limit when you have walls everywhere you look.
If we put up walls at a local event and let SON run half the cars on this site wouldnt be around anymore.

thanks einstein

i didnt know peoeple crashed

who cares if chrysler backs him
the point is, he crashes alot, and should leanr on a care that will help him to learn

not something that he’s going to overpower into a wall ever other event

i never said he wasnt good, i said he’s an idiot for always needing to hit walls in a viper

his maturity level is not up to par with alot of drivers in D1 and thats why he crashes so much cause he doesn’t know when to let off the gas…Chrysler wants to be recognized so badly they’d give anyone a car to go drifting,racing etc…

i was watching some nopi drift event last night and hogan said the same thing

he doesnt know when to let off

he tankslapped this viper into the wall, went back out and did it again on second pass in th eexact same spot

he doesnt need chrysler or anyone esle to suuport his drifting enthusiasm, he can afford it himself, and that why i thihk he should start off in soemthing else

you dont step in the ring and think you can box with the champ

If you don’t think you can beat the champ then you never will…thats thinking low of yourself…confidence

It’s good that he tries but he needs more training…thats all

i barley ever pay attention to any drifting other then if i catch it on tv. i like seeing the local stuff instead. but when i did catch himn driving he was hitting alot lol

and that hogan pic was amazing

being a “hulk-a-maniac” is a LIFETIME COMMITMENT

Wow, funniest post ever!

I want a Hogan smiley that waves his arm in a cirle and then to his ear!

nick hogan is actually driving a 350z now for his competition

apparently he is loving the 350z

he has an s13 as a practice car. dont ask how i know.