Nick is an asshat. He has no interest in cars, or he would learn and respect them. I love how he wrecked the drifto viper twice in the same day. Normal people build up to the threshold of the car to understand and get a feel for it. No, he just wants to say that he is a drifter, flaunt his car list and has his racing license. Take expensive cars and overdrive the shit out of them. I’d like to do that too, so maybe there’s a little jealousy there. If the kid had half a brain, he would respect shit and learn about it. Also, he would pick a less subjective sport like RACING instead of drifting. Racing is a timed speed competition. Does the fastest car win in drifting? It’s not racing.
As for the passenger, if he doesn’t want to preserve his life by wearing a seat belt, that’s his problem not Nick’s. The kid is 5 years older than Nick with a bit more life experience (military), he should have been making sure Nick was in check. Yea, it sucks and I hope the kid is okay, really, but WTF? Is Nick supposed to make sure all of his passengers eat well, and take their vitamins too? Where does it end? If the kid is under 18, then I agree, make them buckle up. Otherwise suggest it and move on.
I’ve never seen a pretzel car in a normal speed accident. I like how they are suggesting that it was a normal accident, not involving high speeds. If that’s true, it must have been a paper mache Supra!