Nick Hogan totals his Supra, hurt pretty good.


I think that’s the point. A smart parent doesn’t give their 17 year old wanna be racer access to any of those cars for the street. But he’s a celebrity, he has to have something flashy and fast. Worked out real well for him too.


Meh they had those Supra’s long before that TV show. He likes cars just like the rest of us, if you/parents have the money to buy stuff such as what they have than I know I would definitely do it. Would you honestly let other people’s opinions get in the way of what you want to buy/do in life?

My point was people have brought up the same thing you just said in previous posts, oh well its not a good idea to give a 17 year old a powerful car like that, well correct me if I’m wrong but the majority of us are older than him and we still like to push our cars, and it may not always be in a safe closed enviroment (thats why I gave roll racing example).

Even though we are older, it’s not like shit still can’t still go wrong. It seems to me there are plenty of examples on other forums/videos where people were roll racing and flew off the highway and wrecked, shit happens…