Nick Pearl..

no, pink is for homos and girls. Unless it is tucked in with the collar down, or worn with a tie, collar down.

collar down at all times.

^ of course. I embarrassed a kid at work by paging on the loudspeaker “fix your collar”

I couldn’t stop laughing for a whole ten minutes. I guess you had to be there. (it was about 4pm, so the store was PACKED)


Hahaha, that is great <3

no comment…

so he added me as a friend…and well i feel as though i’ve lost some serious iq points…here is his ‘about me’…i’m going to go throw up now

About me:
… ’ I take the good with the bad, Smile with the sad, Love what I got, And remember what I had. Always forgave, But never forgot, Learned from my mistakes, But never regret. People change, Things go wrong, I just remembered …Life GoesOn!! … im still waiting for that special person that will show me wat a real relationship is…someone who will make me smile even when im hating life, someone who will treat me as a person and make me feel wanted and loved, someone who will always be there when i need them with no questions asked, and someone who will make me smile and except me for me…are you that girl??? i want some good times that i can remember for life and a great girl to do that with… SO TO START OFF… THINGS ABOUT ME…WELL TO START OFF I AM A SWEET GUY,I LIKE SENTIMENTAL THINGS(ITS THE LITTLE STUFF THAT GETS TO MY HEART),I AM GOOFY AT TIMES,I LIKE TO CHILL WITH NEW PEOPLE,I HAVE A GOOD TIME DOIN PRETTY MUCH ANYTHING(IM VERY EASY GOING),I HATE STUCK UP MATERIALISTIC PEOPLE THAT DONT KNOW HOW TO HAVE A FUN TIME… I USED TO MODEL FOR FISHER PRICE, MILLENIUM CLOTHING, CALVIN KLEIN AND A COUPLE OTHER RANDOMS, I ENJOY RACING MY NISSAN,CRUISIN IN THE G.A., AND STRAIGHT CHILLIN WITH ALL MY FRIENDS…DEJAX,KOGAN,“TIMMMMMMMEY” A.K.A BEAVIS,CASTILLE,WANG,TIM,PENZIS,TEARHAR…AND THE REST OF THE CREW! THANKS FOR ALWAYS BEIN DOWN TO CHILL WHENEVER, AND BEIN THERE FOR ME WHEN I NEEDED YOU AND FOR STRAIGHT UP MAKIN A GOOD TIME OUTTA DOIN NOTHIN…UR MY BOYZ FOR LIFE!! (TIM,CHRIS,NIC) WE GOT THE BOMBEST JOB EVER…LMAO!!! SMILEY BOYS!..HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH…

^ sorry already on page one but thanks

:lol: Seriously, this guy’s got almost as many sac riders as Newman and he’s not even on the forum! Well, anti-sac riders, but still…

x2 this thread needs to be locked


that kid cut my mom off the 90 and almost made us have a boo boo…he needs to die, perhaps he can drive past mighty with his buddy again and almost hit cars…thats sweet…wat a fucking douche

okay troll somewhere else