NickAlero's 91 Galant VR4

Sell car before you actually have to deal with it blowing up.

After being at the track honestly, I can see me holding onto this car for a long time. Even though I didn’t run what I wanted to, I had a ton of fun. MAY just weld up all the intercooler piping…theres a few obvious places that I think I would benefit from either replacing/rewelding it.

wow you suck …

Planning on stopping by albany speed shop tomorrow to have them take a look at my e-brake cable situation…I need to stop leaving my car in gear on hills, its probably not helping my dumpy transmission.

lol wut?

i leave my car in gear all the time. never had problems with any of my cars.


My G6 actually requires you to put it in reverse in order to remove the key.

You should never rely on your ebrake on a hill, ALWAYS have the car in the appropriate gear for whatever way your sitting on the hill. Have personaly seen cars roll because ebrake failed and car was not in gear

I have parked my daily car only in gear for almost two years, ebrake cable broke awhile ago.

parked my car in gear once… spun a bearing the next day

Youre doing it wrong.

got a g6 and a g5

i keep my car parked in gear in my driveway, granted its not a huge slope, but its just how i do it.

I neverrrrrr leave my cars in gear.

I will leave it in gear but I really don’t like to…

I’m starting to think I have a vacuum line kinked in some way.

So on the way into Troy today, I was hitting 15psi in third merging onto 7. It suddenly spiked to 20 and held like it normally would. I pulled over to slow down, I wanted to do a quick pull through second to see if it would hold 20, and sure enough, it did. So I got into Troy with the car making/holding 20psi the whole way, and parked the car thinking it was all good again. Drove it to get some dinner just now and was back to the same thing, only hitting 15 and holding there. I’m really confused now…its like the problem fixed itself but it didn’t. Not sure what to look at at this point.

Buy a daily driver.

why don’t you try pulling out the uicp/licp/J-pipe and all vacuum lines related to the turb and clamp them down tight all at once so you don’t have to fix one thing and have another problem pile on top of you. throttle shaft seals tend to leak on these cars as well.

Also, do the car a favor and pull the SAFC crap out.late 2Gb ECUs(plastic) can be tuned with Ecuflash or if you want to put the man pants on, ECMlink V3


Very funny…anyone?

Nevermind. Figured it out.

Buncha clowns on this site.